Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Going Away Party, and Big Raffle Winners

So tonight we went to a going away party for our friend Stephanie Lee.  She is moving to San Francisco to start a new job and become a real person, so there was a party put on by Jenessa and her roommates to say goodbye and make one last memory.  Steph was in our freshman ward, and then Cory lived with her their sophomore year while I was on my mission.  Cory may think that she is closer to Stephanie than I am, but technically our relationship goes farther back.  I was Stephanie's FHE dad freshman year and I think it is safe to say that our connection is deeper than just friendship: we are family.

Anyway so the party was fun, and they had some fun activities.  When we got there we got raffle tickets, and throughout the course of the evening they raffled off some of Stephanie's possessions that she wasn't going to take with her.  It was usually a pretty random thing that got a few laughs.  For example the grand prize was a two night stay in her old bedroom, which Joseph won...and Cory and I were also winners.  Cory won a triangular curling iron, and I won a paperback copy of The Brothers Karamozov by Fyodor Dostoevsky.  Overall I would say the night was a success!  If I had to describe it in one word?  WIN....except for the part where it was one of the last times we would see our friend in a long time.
The winner, and her prize!!

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