Friday, June 8, 2012

Sean does not eat treats

I don't know how many times I have bought Sean little treats to snack on only to find out later that he never ate them all, sometimes never even opened them.  Yet, I keep on trying.  I guess I just can't comprehend how you could never open, or even touch a big bag full of gummy bears, or chocolate anything!  

I'm sure you remember Sean's birthday post.  There was a spread of treats, donuts and red vines, cake and cashews.  Well, guess who ended up eating all the donuts?  Also, guess who's the only person to have touched those red vines?  Yep, me!  I can't even tell you how many times I have offered him a red vine and he just says "No."  What? I just don't understand.

I also filled up a cookie jar with Oreo's the other day.  I have been snacking on them constantly.  I eat them in the morning, when I get home from work, when I'm bored, pretty much if I am in the kitchen I eat  them.  It's like he has put this invisible forcefield around all the treats in the house that only blocks him from getting to them.  Or, I just have a sweet tooth and he doesn't.

Looks like I am slowly learning my lesson, no need to buy anymore treats, oh man!

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