Monday, June 4, 2012

New Calling

Sean and I finally got our callings in our new ward.  They asked us to come in and meet with a member of the Bishopric, and since it ain't our first rodeo, we new exactly what they wanted.

I think we were both expecting ward mission leaders, or family history committee or some other filler calling they give to the new couple that moves in at an awkward time between winter and fall semesters.  We had our expectations very low, but were excited for a calling no matter what it was.

Needless to say, we were pleasantly surprised!

You can now refer to us as, Bro. and Sis Gilmore, Sunday School Teachers of the Provo Married Student 40th ward.  We are so stoked out of our minds, we can't even think, we're freaking out, it's getting hard to breath, oh man, life is great, all of our wildest dreams have come true, best calling ever, greatest thing to ever happen!!

Ok, that was a little exaggerated.  But seriously, we are super excited about our calling.  We get to team teach about twice a month and we don't know if it will be Gospel Doctrine or the Marriage and Family Class.  I think either one would be great!

P.S- This was super serendipitous because last Sunday we were talking during Sunday School about how cool it would be to be called as Sunday School teachers.  It has always been a dream calling of mine, and now my dream is coming true!

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