Thursday, June 28, 2012

New Phone Plan

Now that Sean and I are married we decided we wanted to get a phone plan together so we weren't on our parents anymore.  Trying to be completely independent is hard, it takes so much time and there are so many things to think about.  We've been looking into phone plans and car insurance and health insurance.  It sometimes seems like a never ending list of things to do and people to call and there are so many different options.  It's hard to know what will be best or what is a good deal.

We finally made a decision about our phone plan.  I swear we went into the AT&T store at least 10 times.  We had so many questions about transferring numbers and discounts, activation and cancellation fees, new contracts and upgrades.  It has been good to learn about how it all works, but sometimes I can't believe how complicated they make it.

We finally went in on Wed. night to get everything all figured out and get our own phone plan started.  I thought we had it all figured out, I thought we had asked all the right questions.  Boy was I wrong.

We got there and as we got started the process got more and more difficult.  There were credit checks and large deposits that needed to be made.  Luckily we got around that, but it seemed at every turn something else came up.  Another fee, or another charge, for things that seem so silly.  I almost lost it, but it was a good thing Sean was there and he kept his cool.  The poor girl helping us was probably a little scared I was going to explode right there at the counter.

With a little more confusion and tons of explaining we finally got our new phone plan and phones.  I wasn't planning on getting a new phone, but the longer we were there the more and more it seemed that would be the best option.  So, we both walked out happy, with shiny new phones, brand new phone numbers, and achey feet.  We were there for over 2 hours, way past the time the store is supposed to close.

So, this post was long and boring and probably extremely uninteresting.  But to me it was definitely a "grown up and married" experience.  Makes me appreciate all the times my mom did this and took care of all that kind of stuff when I was still single.  Can't say I'm looking forward to any more of it.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Sean and I joined a co-ed softball team for the summer.  I think it only lasts about 2 weeks, so maybe I can't say for the summer.
We are on the team with some people from Sean's old ward and some of his roommates, Shane & Joseph.  I was pretty hesitant to join, but luckily I had to make a quick decision and I said yes!
I honestly, have never played softball in my life.  I have played catch, or hit a few balls, but never for real!  I was nervous and did not want to be that person on the team that they stick out in right field.

Don't get me wrong though, I definitely will volunteer myself for right field, it's safe out there, but who wants to be picked for it?

Luckily Olivia, the girl that put the team together, organized a practice the night before our first game.  Sean and I showed up and I was pretty excited to get some practice in.  After successfully catching the ball multiple times I began to feel more confident, things were looking up.  Then it was time to bat, and I could do that too!!  The practice was a huge confidence boost, and I felt excited for the game!
Big thanks to Sean for helping coach me and showing me the ropes of being a big time softball player, cause let's be honest he is a pro...remember this: Spring Softball

The night of our game I was nervous to play out field because I cannot throw the ball far...AT ALL... it's like a bad joke.  I watch other people launch it insane distances and I can't even throw it 20 feet and have it not hit the ground before it reaches the person.  But I played out there the whole night, and some how, yes, I did end up in right field.

Sean was amazing as always making catches and awesome plays.  He pitched too, which I loved because it made me much less nervous when I was batting, just like practice.

 So, to avoid the play by play of the whole game...we tied, it was insane.  It came down to the last batter and we tied, it was pretty nerve wracking.  I will take a tie game like that over a loss any day...but I guess anyone would, except the other team.

I scored 2 runs and brought a lot of people home.  I became infamous for my hits that ended up inches from home plate, it worked really well for me.  I didn't have any great catches like Sean, but man did I come close.

Can't wait for our next game!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Peaks

Sean and I made our way to the Peaks...Seven Peaks that is...and we had quite a time.
We roped some friends into coming with us and it was such a fun day!
I feel like Sean and I's schedules don't really allow for a lot of lounge time outside in the beautiful summer weather.  But, with careful planning we finally had some summer fun.

The smell of chlorine and sunscreen made it feel like summer, and although it was only about 75 outside, it was hot enough and the water was calling us.
We started the day off on a racing ride where you ride down on mats and everyone goes at once and you race to see who is fastest.  I stunned everyone with my quick starts, but couldn't seem to keep up my speed to get as far as Kyle or Sean.  They both would blast past everyone at the end of the slide.  Since last time Sean and I went on this ride we both were injured, we had a pretty bad taste in our mouth.  This time it was loads of fun, and we would hop and make our way back to the top for another run.
We bought tubes and rode all the tube rides, sadly I ended up getting whiplash on the Boomerang? (I can't remember what it was called).  Anna, Stephanie and I rode on a huge three person tube on that one, I was in the back and my neck was flung way back on the way down.  Apparently the tell you to tuck your chin to your chest for a reason.  That one is definitely a thrill and I get so scared every time!  I scream the whole way down and the screams keep coming until we are completely stopped.  Sean may say he is just teasing me when he screams, but I know it's just to hide that is freaking out too!

After riding rides all day I was exhausted, and famished.  The boys headed over to the wave pool for some more fun, while the girls lounged and made our way to the concessions!  Nothing like over priced food and half naked people running around to get your senses tingling.  Anna got a hot dog and I got funnel fries (a variation on the funnel cake) for us to share.  Hit the spot, now I am craving real funnel cake!

We are sunburned and sore, but it was a super day.  Can't wait to visit again once our sunburns stop throbbing!  With our pass of all passes it's like going to seven peaks for free, whenever we want!
Yay, for it finally feeling like summer time!

Bridals from the Birthday Girl

We went to a super sweet little birthday party for Jenessa last night.  There was cake, more cake, sidewalk chalk and super sweet party hats.  I always love getting see my friends and it's always so interesting to me because Sean and were definitely the only married couple at that birthday party.  It;s so strange what a different world it is, when I feel like my life hasn't changed that much.  But, it's always a good time when Jenessa and Stephanie are throwing a party.  Jenessa was such a happy birthday girl and it was fun to catch up with her and still be able to share special days like that!!

The other great part of the night was that I finally remembered to snag my Bridal photos from Jenessa.  It had almost been 2 months since we took them and I had only seen the one that Jenessa printed to have up at the reception.
They were beautiful, and I knew they would be...not because of me though, mostly because Jenessa is so stinkin' awesome!!


I was only going to post one, but they were all so awesome!
Thanks NESS!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Friday, June 8, 2012

Sean does not eat treats

I don't know how many times I have bought Sean little treats to snack on only to find out later that he never ate them all, sometimes never even opened them.  Yet, I keep on trying.  I guess I just can't comprehend how you could never open, or even touch a big bag full of gummy bears, or chocolate anything!  

I'm sure you remember Sean's birthday post.  There was a spread of treats, donuts and red vines, cake and cashews.  Well, guess who ended up eating all the donuts?  Also, guess who's the only person to have touched those red vines?  Yep, me!  I can't even tell you how many times I have offered him a red vine and he just says "No."  What? I just don't understand.

I also filled up a cookie jar with Oreo's the other day.  I have been snacking on them constantly.  I eat them in the morning, when I get home from work, when I'm bored, pretty much if I am in the kitchen I eat  them.  It's like he has put this invisible forcefield around all the treats in the house that only blocks him from getting to them.  Or, I just have a sweet tooth and he doesn't.

Looks like I am slowly learning my lesson, no need to buy anymore treats, oh man!

Mt. Timpanogos

Tonight Cory and I made a quick drive to the Mt. Timpanogos temple to do a session.  There are so many temples here in Utah, we thought it would be fun to visit as many as we can.  So far we have been to three, and are excited to see more.  After our nice evening we ate dinner at a burger joint called the "Purple Turtle".  It looked like an interesting place, but the food was pretty normal.  

Monday, June 4, 2012

Sneaky Husband

Sean and I try to write down our goals for the week and then we email them to each other so we can look at them and see how we've done as the week goes on.  Sean was in charge of writing down the goals this week.

Goals 6/3/12 – 6/10/12
•    Say prayers every night together
•    Go to the temple Thursday night – Mt. Timpanogos
•    Laundry party
•    Cory is going to do the budget
•    Sean is going to hurry and buy a bunch of stuff before Cory does the budget
•    Scripture study consistently every day

Hmm, I don't remember discussing that one!

New Calling

Sean and I finally got our callings in our new ward.  They asked us to come in and meet with a member of the Bishopric, and since it ain't our first rodeo, we new exactly what they wanted.

I think we were both expecting ward mission leaders, or family history committee or some other filler calling they give to the new couple that moves in at an awkward time between winter and fall semesters.  We had our expectations very low, but were excited for a calling no matter what it was.

Needless to say, we were pleasantly surprised!

You can now refer to us as, Bro. and Sis Gilmore, Sunday School Teachers of the Provo Married Student 40th ward.  We are so stoked out of our minds, we can't even think, we're freaking out, it's getting hard to breath, oh man, life is great, all of our wildest dreams have come true, best calling ever, greatest thing to ever happen!!

Ok, that was a little exaggerated.  But seriously, we are super excited about our calling.  We get to team teach about twice a month and we don't know if it will be Gospel Doctrine or the Marriage and Family Class.  I think either one would be great!

P.S- This was super serendipitous because last Sunday we were talking during Sunday School about how cool it would be to be called as Sunday School teachers.  It has always been a dream calling of mine, and now my dream is coming true!