Sunday, October 9, 2016

Sunday Picnic

A beautiful Sunday afternoon made us feel like getting out of the house and eating lunch by the water.  There is a pretty little lake with a great walking path a short drive from where we live and it has tons of new apartment complexes all around.  We headed over to check it out and see if we could find a good spot for a picnic.

Taking in the view from a well placed bench.

Emmy liked going right up to the edge to see the water, and Mom was scared and panicked the whole time.  You can't tell from the picture but the water is about a 3 foot drop from the edge and is not meant for swimming.  Sean took every opportunity to tease and pretend to fall in, just like any good husband would!

Emmy gave in to Mommy pleading with her to get some pics together.  It's rare that these two get a shot of just the two of them so Mom took advantage of  the opportunity.

Big cheesy grin from Miss Emmy

Emmy posing with her picnic snacks.  She is a big time grape lover and can never resist a PB&J.

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