Monday, October 31, 2016

Our First Halloween in Dallas

We decided to take Emmy our for real door-to-door trick-or-treating on Halloween night.  Sean had to work late and we picked him up at the Hospital and headed straight out to knock some doors.  Emmy had already learned all about Trick or Treating a few nights before at the Trunk or Treat at church so she was seasoned and ready to get herself some more goodies. 

Sean would escort her to the door, and knock for her.  Without fail Emmy would try to reach for candy out of the bowl or want to grab it out of peoples hands if they tried to put it in her bucket for her.  I think dropping the candy in the bucket herself was most of the fun for her.

A spooky Halloween house with lighted Jack O'Lanterns.

It was such a fun night and I know Sean loved taking his little Tink door to door.

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