Sunday, October 16, 2016

Emmy Turns Two

Happy Birthday, Emmy!

Our sweet little girl is now two years old!  She is such a blessing in our lives, and definitely brings a spirit of happiness and love into our home.  Her birthday this year is also kind of symbolic as a final celebration of Emmy before her baby brother gets here in about three weeks.  This is her final few weeks of having Mom and Dad's undivided attention.  I think she plans on making the most of it.

Emmy's birthday was on a Sunday this year, so she got to spend some of it with her friends in nursery!  The day before, we had a little party for her at home.  We decided that it probably wasn't the best decision to have Cory climbing up on chairs to hang decorations, so I dutifully took orders executing her festive vision.

It's amazing how a few balloons and some streamers can really make an occasion feel special.  Emmy immediately noticed all the decorations when she woke up in the morning, and was continually asking the play with the balloons.

Cory made an awesome cake for the party.  She is always great at this kind of stuff, and I am glad my kids have a mom who will always make them feel special with loving efforts like this party.

We had lots of family come into town for the party.  Grandma Buzz helped Emmy put on her party hat.  Anyone who knows Emmy, knows she does not do hats.  This one was off her head in less than a minute.  

Anna and Cohen also came into town, and having Cohen there may have been the best birthday present Emmy could ask for.  She loves that little guy.  Grandpa Wayne and Mimi K also came, along with Emmy's three uncles, Davis, Noah, and Logan.  In our little apartment, it was quite the crowd, but it was nice to have so many people there for Emmy.

Emmy wanted to do everything with Cohen.  She was waking up and asking for Cohen first thing in the morning, and it was the last thing she was asking before going to sleep.  They got a lot of good time together.  If Emmy loves her little brother even half as much as she adores Cohen, then our little guy will be pretty lucky.  On another note, Cory scolded me for eating too many of Cohen's snack puffs.  It was humiliating and I will never forgive her.  Anywho, moving on...

Emmy loved blowing out her candles, and we loved singing "Happy Birthday" as Mom brought out the cake.

Like I mentioned, Emmy was pretty content doing any activity that involved her little cousin.  They had some playtime and then a bath, before snuggling up before bed.  Well, Emmy thought they were snuggling.  I'm not sure what Cohen was thinking.

It was fun watching these two babes play and develop their relationship, and it was fun to have family in town to celebrate out little Miss Emmy Rae.  Best. Birthday. Ever.

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

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