Thursday, September 29, 2016

Double Stroller

With Baby Calvin soon to be joining the family we had to make some upgrades in the stroller department.  We have had our eye on this beauty for quite a while.  Has tons of seating options, fits with the car seat we already have and let's be honest...looks totally boss!

Sean took the evening to put it together while Emmy tried to help and give him pointers, she was mostly helpful...

Coming up with a game plan.

"Are you sure that goes there Daddy?"

Emmy testing out her new shade canopy.

The final product, way to go Dad!  Sean is too proud of his soon to be upgraded Daddy status.

Emmy was very excited to sit in the stroller and was upset it was too late to go for a stroll.  She probably would have sat in that thing the rest of the night.  Success, and she can't wait to share with Baby Calvin.

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