Saturday, October 15, 2016

Baby Boy Baby Shower

After making a move mid-pregnancy, I didn't expect to have a shower this time around.  The ward we moved into has had so many babies born this year and tons of people moving in that we figured everyone was just trying to keep up with all the new faces.

I was really touched when a sweet girl in my ward offered to throw me a shower.  It is so nice when people you hardly know go out of their way to make you feel special and cared for.  My visiting teachers also helped out and I was so glad that they took the time to help shower me as I prepared to welcome my little baby boy into the world.

We played a baby scavenger hunt, with all things having to start with the Letter C for Baby Calvin.

Anna and I posing for a photo op.  She, Cohen, and my mom were all in town for Emmy's birthday that was also this weekend.  I am so glad that they were able to come to both festivities.

Love this picture of everyone sitting around chatting.  The baby shower was at the home of a family in our ward that has a beautiful home.  It was all decked out for Halloween and fall and it was so cute to look at all the neat little touches she had.  Very fun to have it as the backdrop for the sweet shower the ladies threw.

I call this one...pumpkin smuggler.

While Anna, Mom and I enjoyed the shower, Uncle Sean was on baby duty.  He took care of Cohen and Emmy while we were gone and took full advantage of the opportunity to try out our new double stroller. 

Cohen liked it so much he fell asleep!  He was thrilled to head to the mall playground.

Emmy and Cohen enjoying some cousin playtime.

The double stroller in all its glory.  Can't wait to be seen all around Dallas rocking this thing!

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