Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day Weekend 2016

Well, we have been in Dallas for all of one weekend!  It just so happens to be Father's Day weekend.  My mom and dad helped us move out here, so we get to spent the holiday with them, which means we spent both Mother's Day and Father's Day this year with them.  I don't know if that will ever happen again, so it was a treat.  Emmy surprised me with a special magnet message!

We spent most of the weekend unpacking, or exploring our new surroundings.  Gigi and Big Daddy bought Emmy a new movie that we watched together.  She never watches a full movie, so we sometimes watch in chunks over a few days.

While out exploring, we stumbled upon Carlo's Bake Shop!  It's the bakery from Cake Boss!  I guess they have a Dallas location now.  Buddy wasn't in, but it was cool to check out.  

Emmy was all smiles sitting in Bid Daddy's lap.

Emmy gave lots of hugs for Father's Day.  Big Daddy Mike is always willing to give Emmy whatever she wants, and Emmy knows it.  She frequently goes to him when she wants something Mommy and Daddy have denied her.

We also saw Grandpa Wayne a couple of days ago.  He and Uncle Logan drove up from Austin to help us unload the truck.  Emmy always thinks Grandpa is super funny, and starts trying to mimic his funny gestures.

I am so grateful for my little girl.  She not only brings a higher degree of joy and fulfillment in my life, but she also is the reason there is an extra day of the year to celebrate and honor me.  That really is a gift in and of itself!  I kid, but Father's Day has been a fun holiday the past two years with Emmy Rae in my life.

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