Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cinnamon Jacks

In my quest to try new cereals I was bound to try one I didn't like. Enter Cinnamon Jacks.  Next to the Apple Jacks at the store I saw Cinnamon Jacks and decided that I needed to try it.  It wasn't that is was a bad tasting cereal, its just not good tasting.  It is sort of bland.  A better name would be Jacks: With a Small Almost Unnoticeable Hint of Cinnamon.  I am giving this cereal experience a C-

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tres Leche Cake

Cory ventured to make a tres leche cake for the first time ever.  It turned out to be....delicious.  We had Summer and JD over to play games, and I met little Tenley for the first time.  She is a tiny little thing!  Successful night!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wyoming Weekend

As Cory said, we went to Wyoming for the three day weekend to be there for Rhiannon's baptism.  It was fun to get away from Utah and see the family.  My parents just moved into their newly built house, and the guest bed mattress was like a cloud.  Pretty much the highlight of my stay, oh, and seeing everyone, and witnessing Rhiannon enter the waters of baptism.  There is a picture of the whole family, but people's eyes are closed.  You know how that goes.  

The weekend was spent relaxing, eating, playing games, eating, dancing around the house, watching Downton Abbey, eating, and making good memories.  Ebin and Rhiannon both challenged me to dance offs on the Wii.  I feel it necessary to point of that I have never lost on that game.  Uncle Sean doesn't lose on purpose to make you feel better about yourself.  I don't believe in that nonsense.  

It must have been traumatic for them because they both practiced for the rest of the night.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Road Trip

Sean and I drove up  to visit his family in Powell, Wyoming for the long weekend.  The drive is about 8 hours and it is definitely long enough to lose your mind if you don't try to keep yourself entertained.

As we began the drive back I was trying to keep Sean entertained by asking him random questions.  One conversation went as follows.

Cory:  If you were going to name a Ranch, what would you name it?
Sean: after a long pause..."Dude,  Where's my Ranch?"

I laughed for so long, the rest of the drive we just kept bursting out in laughter.

Love my creative and silly little Pumpkin Pie.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Treats

Our first Valentine's Day together as a married couple was a success! Cory actually surprised me with a little gift every day of the month leading up to the big day. Here are her fourteen days of love gifts to me.

Day #1
Swedish Fish
You have ofishally stolen my heart

Day #2
Gummy Bears
Life would be unbearable without you

Day #3
Apple Juice
You are the apple of my eye

Day #4
Salted Cashews
I'm nuts about you

Day #5
Beef Jerky Stick
Thanks for sticking by my side

Day #6
Hot Tamales
You are one hot tamale

Day #7
Chex Mix
I would be mixed up without you

Day #8
Combos Cheese Filled Pretzels
We make a great combo

Day #9
IBC Root Beer
I think you are soda best

Day #10
Orbit Chewing Gum
I wouldn't chews anyone but you

Day #11
Icebreakers Mints
We were mint to be together

Day #12
I'm bananas for you

Day #13
Martinelli's Sparkling Cider
You make my heart bubble over

Day #14
Honey-comb Cereal
Honey, comb your hair because we've got a date tonight

I anxiously looked forward to each day for my treat. She did such a great job and put a lot of thought into the holiday when I didn't expect anything. Here is a look at what I got Cory. Roses, chocolate dipped strawberries, a rice crispy heart dipped in pink chocolate, and a sugar cookie with our names frosted on it.

I had to work that night, but when I got home Cory had prepared a romantic candlelit dinner for us to enjoy together.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

How Do I Love Thee?

Let me count the ways...

So for Valentine's Day I thought I would write a little love post to Cory.  I am not the most poetic person, so I thought I would borrow some words from the greatest minds of history.  The post title comes from Elizabeth Barrett Browning.  

You smile, you smile
Oh, and then the spell was cast
And here we are in Heaven
For you are mine at last.
-Etta James

Just shout whenever, and I'll be there
You are my love, you are my heart
And we will never, ever, ever be apart.
-Justin Bieber

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date...
...But thy eternal summer shall not fade
-William Shakespeare

Love is a battlefield.
-Pat Benatar

I am pressed to say why I loved her,
I feel it can only be explained by replying:
"Because it was she; because it was me."

I love you, not only for what you are,
but for what I am when I am with you.
-Roy Croft

All you need is love,
but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.
-Charles M. Schulz

Grow old along with me;
the best is yet to be.
-Robert Browning

I love being married.
It's so great to find one special person 
you want to annoy for the rest of your life.
-Rita Rudner

No man is truly married until he understands
 every word his wife is NOT saying.

To laugh often and love much...
to appreciate beauty,
to find the best in others,
to give one's self...
this is to have succeeded.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

I love you like a fat kid loves cake.
-50 Cent

I love you.
Happy Valentine's Day!
-Sean Gilmore

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Mongo's and the Peaks

Date Night!  For some reason, if we ever decide to go out to dinner, I immediately start asking myself if there is somewhere new I want to try.  Cory is the exact opposite.  She is all about have a traditional place and going there every time we eat out.  We find a happy medium.  We went to Mongo's Stir Fry that just opened recently in Provo.  It is Mongolian BBQ.  When I lived in Montana there was one in Bozeman than my family and I frequented often, so I was excited.

You basically fill your bowl up with noodles and meat and veggies, choose any combination of their variety of sauces, and they throw it on the circular grill, which probably has a cultural Mongolian name or something, and then...

You turn into a beautiful princess!  Oh, sorry, no you don't.  That's just Cory and her stunning beauty.  I guess you just get a tasty bowl of food.

To end the night, we went to Seven Peaks for some ice skating.  This video sums up our experience there.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Kellogg's Cinnabon

I promise not to turn this into a food blog, but my whole life I have loved cold cereal.  Everything from Fruity Pebbles to Raisin Bran is appetizing to me.  Cory and I were in the grocery store one time, and walking down the cereal isle I noticed there were tons of new cereals I had never heard of before or tried.  After a quick discussion of this realization, Cory said I should try one new cereal a week.  I debated whether this was post worthy, but lets get real.  This is OUR blog and we will post what we want!  Here is my first review.

Kellogg's Cinnabon cereal:  Just because of the cinnamon, this basically has an identical flavor to Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and I love me some Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  The texture was pretty good, too.  I was expecting it to cut the roof of my mouth like Captain Crunch, but it didn't, and it didn't get too soggy either.  Overall I would give it a B.  

You can really taste the Vitamin D!!!!!