Monday, May 14, 2012

The Gilmores

Cory and Sean that is.  We were married on April 27, 2012 in the Bountiful Utah Temple.  Although it was very windy and a little chilly, the sun was shining and we were as happy as could be.
Because Sean is the love of my life, and knows I love to talk, he started, over the course of our dating, to ask me at the end of an eventful day to list my highlights of the day.  Sean would then list his and we would be able to talk and laugh and reminisce about the day before going to bed.  It has also been a precious thing that he would do for me and something I always loved doing with him.
So, to keep in fashion with this practice here are each of our highlights of the day!

  • not having to wake up at the crack of dawn for our sealing.  It was at 1pm, so we both got to sleep in a bit after a long and stressful week leading up to the wedding.
  • I had been with my mom for most of the morning, she helped me get ready and pack up my stuff adn then drove me up to the temple.  She was with me all morning, until she finally left me all dressed in my temple clothes so she could go sit down in the sealing room.  It was then that I was finally alone and had some time to think.  I sat in the empty brides room, a beautiful room, and just began to cry.  Tears of joy and happiness trickled down my face, I was so anxious to see Sean.  I was nervous too, and couldn't believe we were so close, only moments away from being sealed.  It was nice to have the moment of alone time.
  • Seeing Sean outside waiting for me in his temple clothes.  He is always so handsome.  He told me he had gotten real nervous too, and it made both of us much calmer to see each other and to have some time together in the Celestial Room before heading to the Sealing room.
  • Seeing all my family and gorgeous friends in the sealing room, so happy to see us.  I am so glad they could all be there to support us!  Especially Grandma Schiess, since she got sick later and couldn't make it to the reception.
  • Kneeling across the alter from Sean, and hearing the sealer talk about Sean taking me as his wife.  I started crying.  It was so reassuring to know that we were in it together.  To know that he wanted to have me forever, as his wife and companion.  The sealing room was beautiful, and so was the sealing.  I am eager to go back and do proxy sealings and get to hear the blessings and promises again.
  • Getting changed into my wedding dress, my mom, Sarah, and Grandma Schiess were all there to tell me I was beautiful and to help me get dressed.  Mom buttoned all the buttons up the back of my dress, I don't even know how many there were.  Sarah helped me get changed and took care of all my belongings, grandma told me she thought the dress was beautiful.  It was a peaceful and special moment!
  • After I got changed I waited for the temple worker to escort my mother and Grandma out to the group.  I was so anxious for her to get back. She told me to wait and as soon as she got back she would take me out to see Sean.  It felt like forever!!  I was so nervous and excited to see Sean.  I couldn't wait to see his reaction to seeing me in my wedding dress and it was the longest probably 10 minutes of my life!!
  • Finally walking out and seeing Sean.  He looked so handsome in his suit and vest and I was so excited to show him the dress.  He was so sweet, smiley, and excited to see me.  He told me I looked beautiful, and that was all I had been wanting to hear.  It was a moment I had been anticipating for months, the big reveal I guess you could call it.
  • Coming out of the Temple with Sean was a happy moment.  Everyone was so excited to see us, and everyone kept telling me how gorgeous my dress was, which I didn't mind at all!
  • Pictures were pictures, trying to get everyone to pay attention.  It was chaotic trying to make sure all the right people were in each photo, plus the wind was not cooperating with anyone's hair.  Harmony said it went rather well, better than most, and that was a relief.
  • Sean and I drove down to Lindon together for the reception, it was nice to be together and discuss the morning.  I was so excited to see the reception all set up, all that planning and prepping was about to be rewarded.
  • I died when we walked in.  The Bistro lights were to die for and the tables were so pretty and simple and fresh.  Everything was better than I could have imagined and I couldn't stop staring.  I wandered around checking everything out and making sure it was all just so.  My favorite part was definitely the sign in table, it turned out so precious!
  • We took more pictures before the reception.  Harmony had us out in this field with really tall grass.  I am so excited to see those pictures!  Since the grass was so tall my sweet husband threw me over his shoulder and tromped me out to the place where we were taking pictures.  It was cute and silly, precious to me and I'm glad we have pictures of that too!
  • The reception was wonderful, everything went so smooth and from what I hear from people it was the funnest reception they've ever been to!  That is exactly what I wanted.  I wanted it to be fun and happy and simple, and it's so great to hear that so many people had such a great time.
  • Garter toss, one of the funniest moments to me.  So there I am sitting in the chair, the single guys are all huddled together waiting for Sean to dive in and snag that garter!  Then Sean goes in with his hands, and I am not having that.  I stop him, lift up the bottom of my dress and  tell him to dive in head first.  It was so hilarious and I had to practically push him out from under there!  Oh, too much?  He pulled it all the way off, with his teeth and everything. 
  • I loved greeting and seeing so many familiar faces, and I loved meeting the unfamiliar ones.  So many people that are important to Sean and I have never met our significant other.  There were hugs and hello's and introductions and catching up all over the place.  It was just happiness all night, and I was loving introducing the cute boy in the grey suit as my husband!
  • The biggest surprise of the night was a surprise performance by Sean's roommates the Forbidden Fruits, as they like to call themselves.  We were both shocked and I was just waiting for Sean to jump up and start dancing with them.  The bridesmaids were in on the dance too, and it could not have been cuter.  they highlighted Sean's signature moves and had us dying laughing.  It was probably my most favorite moment of the night.  I am squealing and giggling through the whole video that Sean's dad took.  Sean and I had both dropped hints about them performing and I was so stinkin' excited when they did!
  • There was a sparkler exit and tons of honking on the way up to the Hotel, we had just married plastered on the back of the car and well wishers would honk in congratulations.  We were so happy and exhausted and I couldn't believe that the day was over.  It flew by, and although I was so happy for the start of our new lives I was sad that it was all over.

  • I am a firm believer that when you wake up in the morning and it is the perfect temperature without having a blanket on you, it will be a good day.  That is how I woke up on my wedding day, and it was a good day.
  • I was staying at my roommates house and was the first one awake.  Later when I was getting dressed I walked into the living room and found one of my roommates in his PJs playing Xbox muttering something to me about how he had plenty of time to get ready.  It wasn't a big deal, and at the same time really kind of hit me.  That was totally my element: staying up late, waking up late, playing video games on a summer vacation morning.  That was totally my ideal morning, and the thought crossed my mind that it was my last day like that.  I was leaving that all behind, and I was really, really, really, really, really, really alright with that.  I like to think that I took 1 Corinthians 13:11 to heart...but lets get real.  I still enjoy the occasional video game.
  • So for about a month leading up to the big day I was bombarded with one specific question:  Are you nervous?  Honestly I never got nervous, even driving by myself to the temple in the morning I asked myself when it was going to hit me.  I just never had doubts, and always felt very calm and peaceful about the decision Cory and I had made.  So we go into the temple and finish filling out some records and all that stuff, and our families are there and I still feel totally at ease.  I go in to change and they led me to a chair to sit and wait for Cory.  It was that chair...that everything hit me square in the face.  I had nerves like nobody's business.  I was fidgeting.  My hands started to shake.  My entire body got feverishly hot.  I started to sweat at rapid rates.  It seemed that an entire year's worth of not worrying and playing the calm, cool, and collected card had reared its ugly head as it finally caught up to me.  That lasted for about 6 minutes as I waited in that chair.  Cory came out and I stood up, and as I took her hand we started to walk up the stairs.  A wave of peace and calm fell over me that let me know that my life was going to be so much better with her by my side.  However, let it be known that minor physical trauma was the cost for those 6 minutes in that pressure cooker of a chair.
  •  We were originally supposed to be in Room 6, but at the last minute we were switched to Room 2.  Once we went inside I wasn't upset.  Our room was amazing and our sealer, Brother John Kunz, was awesome.
  • One of my favorite highlights of the day was that immediately after the sealing all of the temple staff referred to Cory as Sister Gilmore.
  • Getting changed into my suit was the exact opposite of Cory's experience changing into her dress.  Right before I went into the locker room I asked one of the workers if someone could go get my dad just in case I needed someone to tighten my vest or whatever.  The worker kind of looked at me for a second and then explained to me that there would be plenty of people willing to help me if I needed it, and he ushered me down the hall toward the locker room.  I guess it isn't as big a deal for the groom. I wondered if I would be told that other strangers would just help me get my dress on if I were a bride.  I considered my options of  how to best pull a Groomzilla on the poor staff and demand that my father be brought to me.  Mainly it turned into me daydreaming for about 5 minutes before getting dressed and realizing that the vest fit fine, and I didn't need anybody to help me.  Crisis averted...moving on.
  • They have you wait on a little couch while your bride gets ready.  I waited for...literally 3 hours...literally.  I don't actually know how long it was, but I knew that my normal time-wasting activity of reading ESPN articles on my phone wouldn't be appropriate, so I sat patiently.  Then I stood up and paced while looking at some of the artwork on the wall.  I suddenly realized that I could see the hot seat I had sat in earlier and that it had a new occupant.  He was pale and sweating.  I wanted to give him a thumbs up, but he never looked my way.  I can't blame him.  
  • Cory's attendant, Betty, came out and said that she would escort Buzz and Gma. Schiess out and then come back for Cory.  She told me I looked "sharp" and to wait a little longer.  A little longer turned into literally (and this time I actually did keep track of the time) 11 minutes.  11 minutes is a long time when you are waiting with nothing to do.  I genuinely became concerned for Betty's well-being.  Had she fallen and broken a hip halfway between us and our families?  I considered going out and looking for her, but then didn't in case she came back a different way and we didn't cross paths.  She eventually found her way back though and she brought Cory out.   Cory was stunning.  I hadn't seen the dress yet, but couldn't do anything but smile as she walked toward me.  I tried to walk slowly with her so everyone would see that she was with me.
  • We took pictures outside.  Like Cory said, it was a bit chilly and gusts of wind occasionally ruined hair at inopportune moments, but considering the whole week showed forecasted rain, I considered the weather to be an answer to many prayers.
  • After pictures until the reception we spent in rush hour traffic...not a highlight.  
  • The reception was great.  Cory did a great job planning and orchestrating the whole night.  We did all the normal stuff: cake, bouquet toss, garter toss, first dance, fajita bar.  It was a great night.  The best part of the night though had to be when my groomsmen and Cory's bridesmaids surprised us with a choreographed dance featuring all the moves that I have become famous for with my roommates.  It was another heart string pulling moment for me as I watched some of my closest friends perform that dance.  The only other place I wanted to be besides out there with them performing was sitting next to my best friend, watching it all unfold.  
  • After the reception it was off to the Grand America Hotel and then the next morning to Hawaii!

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