Thursday, November 10, 2016

Let's Have a Baby!

I went in to the see my doctor the Monday after my due date.  We decided to strip my membranes and schedule an induction for Friday.  I am very anxious to get the process started.

Because I will only be 40 weeks 5 days, the induction on Friday is considered elective and will be an on-call induction.  Meaning, if they are really busy with lots of other deliveries it will be postponed through the weekend.  I was so not looking forward to having to wait 3 more days if the induction ended up having to be postponed.

We got the call on Thursday afternoon that our induction was good to go.  I was so relieved and excited to get things moving.  They had me go in late Thursday night to start the process with some hormones and stay the night there for the induction the next morning.  We were all very excited.

Relaxing in the last few hours before we headed in to check in to the hospital.

Me walking into Labor and Delivery to check in and get a room

My patient message board when we checked in.  Very excited to have a healthy and happy baby!  Can't believe it is finally time.  All sorts of emotions all over the place.

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