Monday, November 14, 2016

Home with Grandma Buzz

It was so nice to be discharged and take our sweet Calvin home.  Being home is always much more comfortable and definitely better to start getting in a routine.  It was so nice to have my mom in town to help take care of Emmy while we were in the hospital with Calvin, and to help me out after we came home.  She really is a super Mom!  Emmy loved hanging out with grandma for the week and my mom gave her all the attention she needed with me being preoccupied with the new baby.

Emmy and Grandma outside the library after story time.  This was actually the day before Calvin was born.

Calvin thinking deeply about his new life, family, and snuggly nap.

Me and Calvin relaxing together.  It seemed like for the first couple weeks Calvin and I were inseparable.  It was nice to have that time to bond and become attached to him.  It was all thanks to my mom that we could have the time to spend together.

Grandma and Emmy looking up to our balcony.  Grandma and Emmy were also inserparable.

Heading home from the hospital was very exciting.  Even with it being our second child there were still lots of nerves and a little trouble remembering how to use the car seat!

Calvin heading up to our place with Daddy.  He did great on the drive home.

Emmy immediately wanted to play with Calvin.  She kept pointing to her little toy room and saying, "play?"  I don't think she realized Calvin would be such a bore.  She was very excited to show Calvin her Frozen toys.

Calvin and Daddy enjoying some snuggle time.  Sean is a pro with babies now.  As soon as Calvin gets in his arms he falls right to sleep.

Of course, Emmy never wants to be left out of snuggle time!  She really loves her little Calvin brother.

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