Saturday, November 26, 2016

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Sean wasted no time getting out all the Christmas stuff as soon as the Thanksgiving weekend hit.  Emmy was feeling much better and was very excited to finally get out all the "Christmas Stuff!"

Emmy was so curious about all the different things we got out and was very helpful with trying to put up the tree.  She watched Sean and I flatten out the branches and fluff the tree and decided to try her hand at it.  Mostly it was just her rubbing the branches, but still very cute.

I am so curious what she thinks of all this Christmas stuff.  It's the first time that she is actually somewhat aware of what's going on.  She already knows who Santa is, but I don't think she knows what he does.  We have also told her it's Jesus' birthday and she knows who baby Jesus is, but again I don't think she understands how it all connects or what it all means yet.

Calvin was a very good observer of all the festivities.  

We had Christmas music going, and lots of new things for Emmy to see.  She loved hanging the stockings, seeing the different ornaments, and playing helping set out the nativity.  Christmas really is so magical with little ones around.  It's fun to see her experience it all for the first time.  This will be Sean's and my first Christmas to put on the whole Christmas for our own children.  We are very excited.

And of course, you can never forget the favorite part!

Sean helped Calvin put on his baby's first Christmas ornament.  Sean's family has a tradition that Mom and Dad put on their first ornament together and they kiss.  We have kept this tradition and done it every year since we've been married.

Later that evening after the house was fully decorated we went up to the mall to get out of the house and watch this silly little puppet show they put on every hour.  It's a Scrooge puppet that just does some silly little jokes with the kids that stop to watch.  Emmy just kept saying, "scary guy."

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

With Calvin being only a few weeks old and both grandma's being in town to help with Emmy and Calvin post delivery we were planning on having a quiet Thanksgiving at home just the four of us.
I didn't want to have to do a lot of cooking, so we ordered the Cracker Barrel Thanksgiving dinner and I just made a pumpkin cheesecake, of course!

We woke up Thanksgiving morning to a very sick little Emmy girl.  We didn't realize how sick until she threw up all over me and our bed.  She was very warm and running a fever.  With her not feeling well it gave us all an excuse to pile into bed and watch Christmas movies all day.  No complaining here!!

Sean headed out to pick up our cracker Barrel meal around 2:30 and didn't get home til after 6pm.  It was an absolute nightmare.  The line of cars was wrapped around the cracker barrel and they were having trouble cooking the food fast enough to get the orders out.  Neither of us could believe how awful it was and we both agreed to be sure to schedule our thanksgiving day pick up for first thing in the morning if we ever do it again.  By the time Sean got home we were all so starving and exhausted.  We scarfed down the food and headed straight back to the couch to relax some more. 

Emmy was able to fall asleep finally and it was nice that she could get some relief from being so feverish.  All in all it was a very uneventful day for us.  Holidays are no fun when your sweet little ones aren't feeling well.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Trains at Northpark

We heard about this cute little Christmas train village at the North Park Mall and thought it would be a fun way to kick of the Holiday Season.  All the proceeds go to charity and it seemed like it would be a fun little activity for Emmy and easy outing with new baby Calvin.

Emmy's first glimpse at the trains.  She was totally mesmerized.  Lots of the mini scenes had cartoon characters that she recognized and would point out.

There were so many different scenes and train cars going all over the place.  The walls were even lined with train cars and engines as well.  Emmy was pointing out all the little details.

Gigi got to come a long and be a part of the magic.  There was even a California scene with the San Francisco Bridge.

This was a little Washington D.C. Scene.  Very festive with all the snow.  There was so much to see Emmy just kept running around and yelling, "look, look!"  

We took a video of some of the Dallas and California Scenes.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Newborn Photos

We planned to have some newborn photos done of Calvin in the first week after he was born.  Our photographer was amazing, and we were also able to get some family shots of all four of us done.  Here is Calvin looking really cute during his photo shoot.  Can't wait to see how these turn out, and very excited to have a brand new family picture of the 4 Gilmores.

Calvin was very good during the shoot and only pooped on the props one time.  Way to go Cal!

Cute little baby boy in a bucket.  The things they do to these babies is hilarious, but it always turns out so cute!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Gigi Meets Cal

The revolving door of family members to meet Calvin is in full swing, and Emmy is loving it.  My mom came in to town to give us some extended support, which is nice to have even though we have done this before.  Emmy has really taken to her big sister duties, and it constantly asking to hold Calvin.  She gives him lots of hugs and kisses.

Emmy also introduced Cal to her Gigi.  I appreciated my mom being home with Cory and the babies because I already have gone back to work.  Hopefully when Cal is older and having children of his own society will have reached a point where paid paternity leave is universally practiced, because I always wish I was at home during the day.

Gigi really helped us keep on top of all our house work and entertained Emmy so that we could get into a good routine.  I'm glad Emmy and Calvin have their Gigi to dote on them with all her love!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Grandpa Wayne Comes to Visit

Once Calvin was home and things were under control and going well it was a mad dash for everyone to get to meet him.  My dad was coming up to pick up Davis for Thanksgiving break at UT Dallas. He of course had to drop in to meet the newest member of the family.

Grandpa Wayne with Emmy and new baby Calvin.

Usually when Grandpa is in town Emmy has his full attention and loves to play.  But she was more than happy to pose for a photo and share the spotlight with Calvin.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Pumpkin Spice Donuts

Cory never ceases to amaze me.  Her determination to follow through with an idea she's planned out is not to be trifled with.  A few weeks ago she saw a post from Krispy Kreme advertising a Pumpkin Spice Original Glazed donut, and that Dallas locations would be participating in the promotion.  She made sure to go on that day, only to find that the location she picked was "independently owned and operated", meaning her coveted Pumpkin Spice donut was not there. 

Fast forward a few weeks to today.  She is five days removed from having a baby.  I got home from work, we ate dinner, held Calvin, and played with Emmy for a bit.  Finally, at around 7:00, Cory says, "They are doing the Pumpkin Spice donut again today at Krispy Kreme.  I called ahead to make sure the one in Richardson is participating." 

I didn't realize it was that important to her... it was Cal's first trip to Krispy Kreme, but his big sister ate his donut before he could get to it.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Home with Grandma Buzz

It was so nice to be discharged and take our sweet Calvin home.  Being home is always much more comfortable and definitely better to start getting in a routine.  It was so nice to have my mom in town to help take care of Emmy while we were in the hospital with Calvin, and to help me out after we came home.  She really is a super Mom!  Emmy loved hanging out with grandma for the week and my mom gave her all the attention she needed with me being preoccupied with the new baby.

Emmy and Grandma outside the library after story time.  This was actually the day before Calvin was born.

Calvin thinking deeply about his new life, family, and snuggly nap.

Me and Calvin relaxing together.  It seemed like for the first couple weeks Calvin and I were inseparable.  It was nice to have that time to bond and become attached to him.  It was all thanks to my mom that we could have the time to spend together.

Grandma and Emmy looking up to our balcony.  Grandma and Emmy were also inserparable.

Heading home from the hospital was very exciting.  Even with it being our second child there were still lots of nerves and a little trouble remembering how to use the car seat!

Calvin heading up to our place with Daddy.  He did great on the drive home.

Emmy immediately wanted to play with Calvin.  She kept pointing to her little toy room and saying, "play?"  I don't think she realized Calvin would be such a bore.  She was very excited to show Calvin her Frozen toys.

Calvin and Daddy enjoying some snuggle time.  Sean is a pro with babies now.  As soon as Calvin gets in his arms he falls right to sleep.

Of course, Emmy never wants to be left out of snuggle time!  She really loves her little Calvin brother.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Calvin Walker Joins the Family

There has been so much anticipation leading up to the birth of this little guy. For whatever reason I had psyched myself out that he would be coming early, and was ready for him to make his debut at 37 weeks.  I felt as though so many people we knew and around us were having their babies early and I was so desperately wanting that to happen to us.  Of course, as we would eventually find didn't!

I was 5 days over due and had a scheduled an induction for the Friday after his due date.  Sean and I went up to the hospital on Thursday night to start the process of getting ready for the induction.  I really wanted him to come on his own and was so upset thinking I would have to be induced.  But for some reason when we got the call from the hospital on Thursday night that I could come in I was so peaceful and excited.  We were all so ready to meet him!

Thursday night was just a little prep in the hospital before the induction so I just tried to sleep and see if any contractions would start on their own.  By the morning when we headed to the delivery room to get started I had begun contractions on my own but they were so weak and 10 minutes apart, so things were moving along, just slowly.

After the induction started things moved so fast.  I was told I could get my epidural whenever I was ready but it would be better to do it earlier rather than later...obviously.  I told Sean I wanted to wait a bit because I wanted to feel some of the contractions and really remember what it was like to be in labor...he thought I was crazy.

After feeling about 3 strong and long contractions I was done, but the anesthesiologist was next door and by the time he came in to help me I was struggling.  I think I had to go through like 10 extra contractions than I had wanted to.  Majorly impressed with women who give birth with no medication, it is some intense stuff.  I was not ready for it, even after having gone through delivery before.

Before my nurse and Doctor could get back from a quick lunch break it was time to have this baby!  Everything was so calm and peaceful which was majorly different from when Emmy was born.  The room was quiet, and there were only 4 of us in the room and I delivered Calvin so quickly.  It was crazy how fast it all went and how peaceful it all was.  Hearing those baby cries was the most wonderful sound in the world, and holding that sweet boy was so rewarding and just a huge release after so much anticipation.

As you can tell from the picture it was one of the happiest and sweetest moments.  I was so emotional and relieved he was big, strong, and healthy.

First picture with Dad after getting all swaddled up.  It was so nice to have so much time with him especially after our experience of having Emmy whisked away to the NICU so fast. 

Welcome to the world Calvin Walker Gilmore!

After they got me and Calvin and the room all cleaned up Emmy was able to come in and meet Calvin for the first time.  It was a moment I will never forget and it really did seem as though time stopped so our little family could soak up all the sweetness.  To watch the video of her meeting Calvin, follow the link below:

Sean with his two babies.  It really is true what they say about your heart growing to love that little person more than you thought you could.

We had so many sweet moments with the four of us.  I am so glad my mom could be there to take care of Emmy and bring her back and forth to the hospital to see us morning and evening.  It was always my favorite part of the day when she would arrive.

Or course we had to have some good old family fun.  Emmy was a huge baby in the bassinet for Calvin.  Hard to believe they grow so fast.

After asking for hours I finally let Sean hold Calvin...haha

Love helping Emmy hold her baby brother.  She was so sweet and curious about him and loved getting to know him.  She was always very soft with him and wanted to unwrap him so she could see his hands, feet, legs and body. 

Sean took Emmy on a walk with Calvin.  Emmy liked walking the halls and exploring outside of the room.  She was very patient and obedient for a 2 year old in a hospital.  She of course wanted to help push him.

Calvin during his hearing test.  He passed!  Yay!

Calvin all dressed and ready to head home with his big sister Emmy.  He was such a tiny little thing laying next to her. So happy that they will have each other throughout life.  Emmy is a pro big sister so far.  Calvin is one lucky boy to have her.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Let's Have a Baby!

I went in to the see my doctor the Monday after my due date.  We decided to strip my membranes and schedule an induction for Friday.  I am very anxious to get the process started.

Because I will only be 40 weeks 5 days, the induction on Friday is considered elective and will be an on-call induction.  Meaning, if they are really busy with lots of other deliveries it will be postponed through the weekend.  I was so not looking forward to having to wait 3 more days if the induction ended up having to be postponed.

We got the call on Thursday afternoon that our induction was good to go.  I was so relieved and excited to get things moving.  They had me go in late Thursday night to start the process with some hormones and stay the night there for the induction the next morning.  We were all very excited.

Relaxing in the last few hours before we headed in to check in to the hospital.

Me walking into Labor and Delivery to check in and get a room

My patient message board when we checked in.  Very excited to have a healthy and happy baby!  Can't believe it is finally time.  All sorts of emotions all over the place.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Emmy and Dad Discover Snapchat

Emmy and dad have been getting some quality time together trying out Snapchat filters.  At first Emmy kept calling it, "animals", and that's how Sean knew she wanted to play on the snap chat filters.  We have now taught her to say Snapchat, but it usually just comes out "chapchap"

She knows that when you open your mouth it can sometimes make things happen.  So funny to watch her try and figure out the technology.  Even funnier when she actually has it figured out.

The puppies are always a favorite of mine.

Diva chipmunk Emmy!