Saturday, May 24, 2014

One Year Older

In a last minute turn of events, Cory and I decided to spend my birthday weekend in Wyoming with my family.  My mom said it would be nice to have the whole family together before we moved to Tennessee and all that sentimental mumbo-jumbo, but we all know that she really wanted us there because my birthday is her favorite day of the year!  Once we confirmed with her that we were coming, she asked me what I wanted to eat for my birthday dinner.  I decided to get the family involved in making an Argentine menu.  Here is Dad tenderizing some beef for the milanesa.

Lacey and Chris were on empanada duty.

Cory got in on filling some empanada shells, too.  The baby was helping her.  I love my girls!

Here is the milanesa, ready to be breaded and fried.  It was delicious.

As we sat down, the special red plate was out for my place setting.  Family tradition, but it had been a while since I have been home on my birthday.

For dessert, Mom whipped up a banana cream pie.

It was fun to see my family's reactions to some of the different foods they tasted that I ate on a regular basis in Argentina.  Successful 25th birthday!  The truth is that I was actually home for almost a week, and Cory flew up on the weekend, so we made a lot more memories watching movies, playing games, and visiting.  On Memorial Day, Dad planted flowers we had gotten the previous week.  And my parents' new dog, Winnie, rounded out our Red, White, and Blue theme.

I don't know when I will stand on this porch again, but it was a great trip, and I was glad to have the time at home before we head east of the Mississippi.

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