Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy Birthday 2014! 

 Cory and I brought in the New Year at the Hyatt House.  The Hyatt House is Noah's preferred hotel on their vendor's list, and Cory, as building manager, received a free night stay, so we cashed it in.  It's one of the perks of being an incredibly successful and independent woman. 

We started the night with dinner at Fuji's.  I have always thought I would make a good hibachi chef.

So I think we all can agree that a toast at midnight is kind of necessary in any new year celebration, but for some reason we did not plan ahead for this.  After dinner we stopped by Target to pick up some sparkling cider, but they were sold out.  Can you believe that?  At 8:00 on New Year's Eve Target was sold out of speaking cider.  What? Was there some crazy demand for it?  Did everyone else have the same idea as us and buy theirs earlier in the week? Oh...they did?  Oh...

Anyway, we settled for sparkling grape.  It served its purpose.  Happy New Year!

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