Sunday, March 31, 2013

We had the HOPpiest of Easters

The Gilmore's Easter recap!

We hopped on over to Brett & Kyle's house for some Easter Dinner and to see some of Sean's roommates.
We ate to our hearts content!  It was potluck style and we brought a festive dessert.  

Yummy Easter dessert! Little nests with chicky eggs!

Even though we were a day late, we still dyed our eggs and got into the Easter spirit!  Sean made a big "G" egg for Girl!! We are pregnant!

We aren't really, the G was for Gilmore!

While I was making the egg dyes I was surprised at how many colors they have now.  I think I had to make like 12 colors.  What happened to red, yellow, and blue?  Sean dipping eggs!

Making it Lakers Purple...cause Gilmores love their Lakers!

 Even though we loved Easter with friends, fun treats, and dying eggs, 
we are grateful at this time of year for our Savior!
Happy Easters!

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