Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fight On!

We also got a new canvas wrap of one of our wedding pictures, as seen behind the TV on the wall.

So I don't think I want to dedicate much of this blog to things going on in the sports world, but I will indulge myself just this once.  This past week I started classes at BYU, and it went pretty well, for a first week.  I am definitely going to be busy this semester, but I am in that positive state right now where I am excited for the classes I am taking.  There are a few classes though that are going to be pretty demanding; primarily organic chemistry.  So it's a Saturday night and Cory is working late so I took advantage of the time and got a lot of homework done.  Also, to rest my mind for a bit, I checked to see if anything was on TV.  Wouldn't you know USC's season opener against Hawaii was on and I was happy to watch it.  My dad received a Master's from USC and we have been life long fans.  There is something nostalgic about college football during the fall months.  BYU won their season opener on Thursday as well, and although I enjoy BYU football, there is just something about those cardinal and gold uniforms that gets me pumped.  I have always felt more invested in what happens to the Trojans.  They won by the way, 49-10.  This could be a great year for them, but I don't want to jinx anything so early in the season.  I know that our little tiki next to the TV is a god of fertility, but can it double as a good luck charm?


  1. Where is the pretty blue chair?

  2. vinylmations lookin great.
    canvas wrap looking beautiful.
    fertility god looking as fertile as ever.
