Monday, January 16, 2017

Visit from Brett, Holly & Duke

One of the reasons I was excited to move to Dallas was that I would be closer to some of my old roommates and best buds.  Brett and his family are about 6 hours away in Del Rio, Texas.  He is a flight instructor in the Air Force at the base down there.  Brett, Holly, and baby Duke decided to come up for a weekend stay with us.  It was awesome to see them and hang out.  Duke is about 2 months older than Calvin, so hopefully they will be best buds just like their daddies.  Here they are playing footsies.

I think Cory and I just produce giant children, because it seemed like Calvin was already as big as Duke...

We hung out at home, played games, reminisced, ate good food, and watched the babies play together for the whole weekend.  It was nice to just relax and enjoy the company rather than fill the day with a busy itinerary.

Emmy had to get in there and pat Duke on the head.  For weeks after this visit she asked about "Baby Duke."

We took them to Lonestar donuts, one of our favorite places because of how cheap everything is.  We are glad we got to spend some time with good friends, and hope it isn't too long before we see each other again!

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