Saturday, January 21, 2017

Another Day at the Zoo

We have been really loving having a zoo membership and we also have been loving the mild winter here in Dallas.  We took the opportunity to have a family outing to the Zoo for the weekend.   Emmy is always up for a trip to see the animals and was very disappointed when Aunt Sarah and Uncle Darron weren't there to show her all the snakes in the reptile house.

Hydration is key for a successful day at the zoo!

Sean always looks like the best Dad around and he wins the award for pushing the babies in the stroller through the ups and downs of Gorilla Trail.

Emmy trying to get a better look at the Cheetah show. 

We experienced one of the shows during this visit and it definitely did not disappoint.  This bald eagle made an appearance at the end and really put the show over the top.  Did you know that Bald Eagles are no longer on the endangered species list?  Conservation for the win!

This is an actual picture Sean got of the Beaver in the show.  They let some of the animals wander around the stage area for pictures afterward and this guy was very photogenic for us.

The show was mostly awesome because they have a crane and owl that come out and fly over the audience.  No joke the crane flew right over our heads with it's claws almost grazing us as he flew past.  It was so crazy.  Definitely a family favorite that we will go back to many times!

Me and Emmy checking out the Koalas. 

Emmy really loved the penguins and being able to watch them swim.  The exhibit had an under water viewing area that is kid height, which was perfect for Emmy.  She was taller than all the penguins, too.

One of my favorite exhibits is the Giraffes because they have them down in an area where you are actually eye level with them when you walk up.  We weren't lucky to have a giraffe come right up to us this time.

We were lucky enough though to be face to face (through 3 panes of glass) with this huge guy!  Needless to say Emmy was way too scared to stand near hi for a picture, which I don't blame her.  The guy is so massive and he was just staring at all of us...death stare.  Lot's of people were kneeling down right by the glass for a pic, but even I was a little too nervous for that.  I'm pretty sure Sean would just sit and watch the gorillas all day if we let him, but we had a great time!

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