Saturday, December 10, 2016

Santa's Workshop Puppet Show

I am all about trying to find free things to do as a family to get out of the house and try things we wouldn't normally do.  With it being Christmas time it seems like there are lots of activities and events going on for free all the time.  This weekend  found us at another North Park Mall Puppet show.  This one was more of a show and not interactive.  I am pretty sure it's been running for like 40 years because the puppets were so old and raggedy and it just was so outdated and cheesy.


Emmy as you can see from the picture was captivated!  The little windows and doors on the house open up and it's a show about elves at Santa's workshop.

We also stopped in to check on the ducks and turtles.  One of Emmy's favorite places to stop when we are at the mall.  Now even more fun with all the festive holiday decor. 

Afterward it was home to enjoy some sibling snuggle time.  Emmy asked to lay next time Calvin while she watched a Charlie Brown Christmas.  It has been so happy at our house with the addition of little Calvin and the excitement of the Christmas Season

Two little angels snuggled up under the Christmas tree.

And of course one of our sweet little Calvin! He will be one month old tomorrow, and the first month has flown by.  We are so glad he decided to come down and join our little family.

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