Monday, December 12, 2016

Mr. Mechanic

Sean has always been a self proclaimed not-handy person.  I think it's not that he isn't or can't be handy, he just never learned how to do a lot of stereotypically "handy man" type things.

His car had been having trouble starting up for a few days and finally pooped out on him.  He had driven up to the church on a Sunday afternoon for tithing settlement and couldn't get it started back up to get home.  After talking with our parents and doing some internet diagnostics we determined a new battery was probably all it needed.

Since the car was stuck in the church parking lot we decided to try and look up how to change a car battery yourself.  My mom assured us that it wasn't all that hard and that people did it all the time.  Sean also got some pep talk from his co-worker that he did it for his parents a lot as a teenager.

I bought the battery while Sean was at work and we headed straight over to get it all hooked up.  I think I was more nervous than Sean was and I didn't even touch anything.  I was just on photo duty.

Sean looking very handy and masculine under the hood of the car.

I was very surprised at how confident he was with what he was doing.  I was second guessing everything and at one point something sparked and I was totally sure Sean was going to electrocute himself.

Sean puffing out his chest at a handy job well done!

Very proud of you, and I think you are very handy!

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