Monday, September 19, 2016

Aunt Sarah Visits

Emmy got lucky and had a special visit from her Aunt Sarah!  She came all the way from California to see us here in our new home in Texas.

The weeks consisted of swimming, plane watching, getting a visit from Uncle Davis as well, and lots of fun times as we wound down the summer.  It is still super hot in Texas so summer seems like it hasn't ended.  Aunt Sarah was in shock, and our A/C even went out in the car while she was visiting, so it was extra hot just for her!!

On our way home from the pool!

Emmy tried on some of her Tinkerbell costume so Aunt Sarah could be sure it was authentic.  
Can't wait for Halloween!

We also headed downtown to walk around Klyde Warren Park and ride the M-line trolley!

Emmy was snuggled up with Aunt Sarah while we waited to see
planes fly over at the Love Field Airport.  Emmy also wanted to hold hands with Uncle Davis.

Short, but fun visit and we can't wait for Aunt Sarah to come back in January to meet  new baby brother!

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