Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Aunt Sarah & A Zoo Trip

Aunt Sarah Came for a visit this week.  It was super fun for us to see her and for her to come see us in Memphis.  We had a great few days and we were happy to show her around Memphis.  Aunt Sarah loved getting Emmy up from her naps, changing diapers and helping Mommy around the house.

One of our favorite stops was the Memphis zoo.  It was a perfect day to go, such great weather and the animals were out and about, which always makes for a fun time.

Aunt Sarah loved Emmy's sun hat, and couldn't believe how big she had gotten since the last time she visited.  She said it is so different seeing all those rolls and pudge in person than it is seeing it in pictures.  Now she understands why people are always commenting on how big she is.

We saw tons of fun animals, the elephants were still Emmy's favorite!  Dad came straight from work to spend some time at the zoo with us, too!  Aunt Sarah's ticket got all of us into the Panda exhibit for free!

Thanks Aunt Sarah for visiting and loving Emmy!  We loved having you and had tons of fun.

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