Saturday, August 9, 2014


As promised, here are some of our adventures at Graceland.  We woke up on Saturday morning and headed to the Blue Plate Cafe for some breakfast.  I got the biscuits and gravy.  Biscuit grade: A+  Gravy grade: F

After breakfast we headed to the home of the King!

So after we walked past the Graceland sign, we entered the visitor's center where you can buy tickets.  It was then that we realized that we happened to be there on the first day of Elvis Week.  I guess the anniversary of his death was that week.  Translation:  Swarms of loyal Elvis fans come to pay tribute.  The place was packed with tourists and impersonators.  Sideburns, Sideburns, Sideburns.  We actually had to wait an hour and a half just to get on the shuttle over to the house.  We almost gave up, but like the true Elvis fans we are, we stuck it out.

Once the tour actually started, it was pretty interesting.  I can definitely see how in the 60s and 70s it would be considered a lavish mansion, but by today's standards, it isn't that big.  I am not sure the King would be on MTV Cribs were he still alive.

The whole tour was an audio tour, which I loved because I hate trying to keep up with tour guides, or not being able to hear a tour guide.  The headphones let us walk through the house at our own pace.  Here I am in the Jungle Room.

Once you leave the house, you go through some other buildings that show more memorabilia.  I started to realize that I know almost nothing about Elvis Presley.  I know a few songs...and that is pretty much it.  I didn't even know that he did movies, or that he was such a freakishly popular icon.  He was a mega-star.  His raquet-ball court has been turned into a shrine, but there isn't enough room in there so they have more stuff in another building.

We even saw some celebrities while we were there.  John Krasinski and Anna Kendrick were on our shuttle back to the visitor's center.  They asked for a picture with me, but I respectfully declined.  

We all got the full Graceland experience, though, when at the end of the tour they take you to the grave-site.  On the audio tour a gospel choir begins to sing and you can slowly pass by the graves of Elvis and other Presley family members.  I had no problem walking by.  We were very respectful and waited for people who were taking some time.  I have to say though, it was surprising to see a few parties ahead of us, two women sobbing at the grave.  Just crying their eyes out and holding each other.  Maybe I am being a little too cold here, but I don't even do that at family graves.  First of all, one of the ladies looked like she probably was born after he died, so how could she feel so emotionally attached?  Anyway, it was another testament to the mega-stardom of the King.  I really enjoyed my time at Graceland, but probably will never go back.  To me, it is a see it once and you've seen it all kind of place.

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