Saturday, July 19, 2014

Stake Champions

Cory and I moved into the Walnut Grove Ward and we have really felt welcome.  One of the first activities I got involved in after arriving in Tennessee was the ward soccer team.  One Saturday we all headed down to Senatobia, Mississippi to play other teams in the Stake.  It was hot.

We won our first match against the Southaven ward, and our second match ended in a draw, but on goal differential we advanced to the final.  In the final we faced off against the Spanish Branch.  They were the clear favorites after having won their first match 7-0, and their second match 5-0.  I played defense most of the matches and had a pretty good time.  All my skills from pee-wee soccer came flooding back to me.  It was kind of like riding a bike.

We ended up being tied 1-1 at the end of regulation, thus sending it to overtime.  I wanted to go straight to penalty kicks so we could get out of the heat, but we had to play the extra time periods.  In extra time we scored our second goal and clinched the championship.

Cory came down to watch the championship match.  It was a fun Saturday, and I am proud to be part of the Walnut Grove Championship squad.

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