Friday, November 29, 2013

Give Thanks!!!

We spent Thanksgiving with Cory's side of the family in a nice log cabin in Victor, Idaho.  Buzz worked really hard to put it all together so we could have a great family get-away.  Let's just say that there was a whole lotta this going on...

But seriously, this trip was just what we needed.  I needed to be able to lounge around for a few days.  Of course, Thanksgiving dinner was an all day affair.  People were in and out of the kitchen all day getting ready.  Everyone contributed (some more than others).  Jake made some good funeral potatoes.  Here I am pretending to coach him in the kitchen.

In reality, I didn't have time to be coaching Jake, because I was trying to add any last splashes and pinches of flavor to my homemade applesauce.

Every once in a while we took some breaks for kissing, or pretending to ice skate on the hardwood floor in our socks.  I enjoyed both activities.

Finally dinner was done.  It was super delicious, and it was nice as we went around the table to hear some of the many things that we were grateful for in our lives.

As a tradition in my family, we leave a Christmas ornament on each other's plates to open before we dig in to the turkey dinner.  Cory and I kept the tradition alive.  She got me a Daisy and Donald Duck ornament, since those are our absolute favorite Disney characters.  I got her a Rescuers ornament with Bianca and Bernard hanging onto a big diamond.  We didn't plan on both getting Disney ornaments, but that's life.

Buzz also made the week fun by giving Hanukkah gifts each night we were there.  The first night she came out with LED Headlights for everyone.  It was awesome.  Jake and I immediately put them to use trying to start a fire in the fire pit outside, which took us longer than I would like to admit.  I also used it anytime I went downstairs and the light wasn't on.

On Friday we headed out to Jackson, formerly known as Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  It was just a quick trip through a mountain pass.  They were having a Christmas program in the town square, complete with Salvation Army marching band and hippie MC that kept giving us updates on where Santa was relative to Jackson.  

We also spent some time walking around the shops around town.  Jake and I tried on some hats, as you can see.  Ironically, about 12 seconds after this picture was taken, a store clerk came over and told us no pictures were allowed in the store.  There was a sign right behind me the whole time.  Awkward.

So all in all it was a fantastic Thanksgiving break.  Only two more weeks of school left, and then final exams!  Can we just fast forward to Christmas?

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