Friday, June 28, 2013

Mormon Miracle Pageant

It's a miracle!!!  Cory and I headed to Manti, Utah on Friday night to witness the Mormon Miracle Pageant in all of its glory.  I have seen the pageant as a small child, and honestly I remembered nothing about it, and Cory had never seen it.  I have to admit that it was pretty cool sitting at the base of the beautiful Manti temple, waiting for the show to start.  We knew we were in for a treat as well when the narrator announced, "Please no flash photography.  Due to the distance between you and the performers, the flash technology on your camera is completely ineffective and will only disturb those seated around you."  For whatever reason, that was really funny to us.  It was kind of a nice way to say, "Hey, stupid, the people are too far away for you to take a picture with the flash on."  

Before the show we ate some burgers across the street, almost bought chocolate dipped strawberries, found some seats, moved up and found some closer seats, talked with a family sitting next to us celebrating their 20th anniversary since being married in the Manti temple, and read the informational brochure given to us about the history of the pageant.  It was awesome.  Once the performance started, I was surprised by two things: 1) How dramatic it was, and 2) how entertained I was.  Cory felt the same way.  Was it a little cheesy at some parts?  Absolutely, but overall it was really good.  We thoroughly enjoyed our trip, and it was another Mormon miracle that we were able to drive back to Provo without falling asleep at the wheel! 

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