Saturday, December 22, 2012

Temple Square Trip

Me in front of the Assembly Hall, Sean with a Shepherd from the super life like nativity by the Visitor's Center, and me and Sean cozied up in front of the Temple.
Sean and I took a little trip up to Salt Lake to see the Temple Square lights and get in the spirit of  Christmas!

We headed up a little late and it wasn't til we were about half way up that we realized we might be too late too see the lights!  We were in a frenzy trying to look up the Temple Square hours and after much searching found out that the lights went out at 10:30pm.  We were safe to make it up and see the lights and even had time to grab a little dinner before.

Sean and I went to Red Iguana for dinner.  After being turned on to Red Iguana by Mike, Sean's dad, we always have to eat there when we are in Salt Lake.  It was killer as always, a Chimichanga for Sean and Carne Asada tacos for me.  Chips and salsa were great as always, and we were full before the food even came.  Sean also loves their Horchata, and claims it is the best he's ever had.  I have to admit it was super delicious, but I don't think I have ever had it anywhere else.

I caught this on film while waiting for our food, a special little treat for our faithful blog readers.
Sean, singing, in dreamy!!

The only regret I have about this video, is that I was so zoomed in (couldn't figure out how to zoom out) that you can't see Sean using his fork as a guitar and strumming along as he sings.

Tons of Lights!


  1. all i have to say is.....


  2. okay, so i am commenting on like every post... but this was classic! loved the vid.
