Saturday, November 17, 2012

Vital Signs

Anna had her dance ensemble performance tonight.  It was called "Vital Signs".  I am not going to pretend to understand exactly what all of the dances meant, seeing how this was only my second time ever witnessing a contemporary dance performance (the first was another one of Anna's performances in March) but I like to think that I got something out of it.  For example, there was one to the music of the Pink Panther that I was laughing through the whole time.  I wasn't entirely sure if I was supposed to be laughing, and Cory elbowed me a few times, but afterwards Anna told me that it was supposed to be funny.  I am slated to be a guest judge on So You Think You Can Dance pretty soon.  Anyway, Anna nailed it!  She demonstrated strength and power, moving slowly, crisply, and deliberately. While in motion she showed amazing grace, strength, and flexibility. She even choreographed one of her performances, and may I say that it was flawlessly performed with passion and emotion, as she and a fellow dancer portrayed a couple moving from tenderness and passion to anger and hostility, failing to reconcile before the end of the piece.  Moving.

Anyway, here is a picture of us after the show.

And if any of you have doubts about Anna's talent, or the review I wrote above, feast your eyes on this!  Eat your hearts out America!

What amazing lines! (I actually don't know if there are any lines in this picture, or if they are amazing, but that seems to be a common/appropriate compliment to give to a dancer)  Great job, Anna!