Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Bee's Game

After multiple attempts Sean and I finally made it out to a Bee's game.  Summer and JD invited us to come on a Monday night and they had deals on the tickets for $5 and a free hot dog.  We picked up our tickets, got home from work and headed out.  It was a perfect night for a baseball game, and I loved getting to spend some time seeing Summer and her pregnant little belly.  

Sean and I wasted no time joining in the baseball game festivities and bought a funnel cake to start the night off!  I can't remember the last time I had a funnel cake, and it really hit the spot, those things are necessary to enjoy a good summer night baseball game.

Lovin' that Funnel Cake!
Summer and JD had gotten free tickets from JD's dad, and they were great seats.  We were right behind home plate and got to see all the action up close.  We didn't come close to catching any fouls balls, but our hearts would race as fouls balls would fly into the net right in front of our seats.  It was fun to catch up with Summer and JD and hear all about their pregnancy stories.  Sounds like it has been great so far and I am so excited for them to have that little baby.  They still haven't chosen a name, and although I will keep my top picks to myself, I secretly really want to suggest the name that they end up picking.

When hunger finally struck around the 5th inning, Sean and I headed to the concessions to get our free hot dog.  The first line we got in was for these huge "All-Star Dogs," we were in line for about 10 seconds before realizing that the huge hot dogs coming out of that place were probably not the free ones.  We course corrected and got the hot dogs that were free with our tickets.  Still good, but definitely not as massive and extravagant as the "All-Star Dogs!"
Enjoying the game, and our dogs!
The game was pretty uneventful, and to be honest downright sorry at some points.  But when the Bee's were tied at the bottom of the 11th inning they really brought it "home" if you know what  I mean.  The game ended with a super spectacular walk off home-run.  Which, thanks to Sean, I now know what that means.  After hearing  him say it a few times when the game was ending, and figuring it was something good, I finally asked him what it meant as we were walking out of the park.  It's amazing how many things you hear your whole life and you never actually know what they mean.

Celebrating after the walk off home-run!
I never thought I would be able to sit through an entire baseball game.  Ever since watching Sean play softball and joining that co-ed team with Sean I find it much more interesting and entertaining.  Best part of the whole night, the seventh inning stretch...take me out to the ball game!

Intense baseball watching, Sean is a pro.

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