Thursday, May 2, 2013

Zach & Joanna

Cory and I had the honor of attending the wedding of our friends Zach and Joanna in Salt Lake City.  The Salt Lake temple is a beautiful place and I was glad Cory was there with me so we could see it together.  I am also glad they chose Salt Lake because with 4 of the 6 of us down, no one had gotten married there yet, and the classic stair pictures were too good to pass up.  After the ceremony and pictures we had an hour to kill while Zach and Joanna took more pictures.

A group of us decided to spend the time across the street from temple square in the Deseret Book.  I had seen everything I wanted to see there in about five minutes, so I found myself sitting at the front of the store with Cory for most of the hour, and it is a good thing I did.  Not only did I get to converse with my wife, but none other than Russell M. Nelson of the Twelve passed by in front of the store, walking briskly down the sidewalk.  I did a double take and told Cory.  Of course I ran outside only to see him turn the corner at the end of the block.  I just thought it was cool and forgot about it.  At the end of the hour we decided to head back to Brigham Young's Lion House for the wedding luncheon.  You may see where this is going.  As we left the store I jokingly told everyone that I thought I saw Elder Nelson walking up ahead.  After about 2 seconds, I realized it actually WAS Elder Nelson.

Naturally my first instinct was to catch up to him, and seeing as I saw him crossing the street toward temple square, I had to sort of jog to also make it to the cross walk before the light turned.  My friends said I was sprinting wildly, which I was flattered by.  I can't imagine their reaction if I actually ran as fast as I could.  Anyway, I caught up to Elder Nelson, but didn't really know what to do.  I hadn't actually expected to catch him, and I panicked.  I stayed about 10 feet away from him as others passed him and said hello.  It was awkward because I was behind him, and he was already walking pretty quickly, so I couldn't just run up behind him and then pretend like we were just casually crossing paths.  Long story short, I saw Elder Nelson but chickened out when I was close enough to say something to him.

The luncheon at the Lion House was awesome, especially when we chimed our glasses every two minutes and the bride and groom had to kiss.  Congratulations to Zach and Joanna!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm laughing crazy loud at work right now.... Thanks a lot. Geeeez.
