Friday, October 5, 2012

USC vs. Utah

So my parents came down for General Conference weekend and my dad bought tickets to the USC-Utah game in Salt Lake.  My friend Joseph came along with Cory, Dad, and me because we could only find tickets in groups of four.  It was an awesome time.  I have been going to SC games with my dad since I was a toddler pretty much, and now that we don't live in LA, it is a special treat to get to go to these games when we can, and it didn't hurt that they were playing Utah, who is BYU's biggest rival.

Anyway when we were walking up we heard that Utah was already up 14-0 and we were only four minutes late.  It wasn't a good start but we must have been good luck charms because by the time we got there the Trojans got hot, and ended up winning 38-28.  

We took this when most of the Ute fans had left.  It was pretty fun, and Cory even sported her own Tommy Trojan T-shirt.  She was lookin' good....real good.

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