Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve 2016

We have been trying to do festive Christmas activities all month, and we are finally at the culmination of the season.  Christmas Eve is here and we are ready for morning to come.  Today, Emmy did a craft with Mom that now proudly hangs on the fridge.

We kept with family tradition and opened Christmas jammies before bed.  Calvin absolutely loved finding out about this tradition he will enjoy for the next 18 years.

Emmy has been so sweet with Calvin for these past six weeks and was constantly asking to hold him while in their new pj's.  Maybe one day they will have fun sleepovers together on Christmas Eve!

We also took some time to read the Nativity story from the New Testament.  We loved using our special copy that Grandma Buzz gave us.  It has supplemental artwork on select pages.  Emmy was very reverent during the reading, and has been starting to understand more and more as we teach her about the Savior.

These two sugarplums are ready for Christmas morning!

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