Saturday, May 19, 2012

Guess Who Made Donuts!

I have Saturday off today, and I have been looking forward to it all week.  A whole day to do anything I want!

Seany worked the morning until 11:30am, so I wanted to get up before he got home and make him a little surprise breakfast for when he got off work.

I woke up planning on making some french toast.  I don't even know how long it's been since I've made french toast, so I thought it would be a perfect time to try out my new griddle.  While rummaging through the cabinets, looking for who knows what, I stumbled upon something a little bit more awesome than French Toast.

Page bought me this really cute little donut maker and mixes as one of my bridal shower gifts.  I have been wanting to use it and today was the perfect morning.  Sean had no idea and was in donut heaven when he walked through the door.  With a little chocolate milk (and raspberry lemonade for Sean, so nasty!)  the donut breakfast was a complete success.  
I think Sean loved them a bit more than I did!

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