Friday, October 16, 2015

First Birthdays Are The Best!

Happy 1st Birthday, Emmy!  

Emmy survived one whole year with us as her parents, which is admirable, if not amazing.  Our lives are so completely different with her in our lives that it is funny to remember what it was like before parenthood.  Cory and I spent some of the free time during the day reminiscing and looking through pictures of the day Emmy was born and our stay in the hospital.  She was so little and has grown so much!  There wasn't much free time, though, because Cory was orchestrating an all-day full-blown birthday extravaganza.  I should have known.  Cory has a talent for creating memorable experiences for the family.  We started off with birthday brunch at Perkins.  Grandma Buzz, Big Daddy Mike, and Gigi Page were all in town to celebrate with us and joined us for brunch.  While Emmy was down for her nap, we decorated for the party.  We went for the Fiesta theme!

We had Emmy in a puebla dress and flower headband for the festivities.  With nap time over it was time to start the party.  It was just a small family party.  We figured our apartment wasn't the space for a big bash.  Cory made Emmy her birthday cake, and we eagerly awaited the traditional let-the-baby-tear-into-the-cake moment.

You can watch the video below and it will be like you were at the party!  Emmy did not tear into the cake.  She barely touched it, which Buzz accurately predicted.  

Before she didn't really eat her cake, she blew out her candles!  Watch below!

After cake, it was time to open presents.  Cory bought tiny sombreros for all of us to wear, which was funny.  We appreciate all the gifts for Emmy!

We had Mariachi music playing in the background as Emmy opened her presents.  She would sometimes dance along to the music by shimmying her shoulders and clapping.  She also got a rocking horse from Gigi and Big Daddy.  It plays its own music and Emmy immediately started dancing to the little song coming from her pony.  She isn't very good at balancing on the horse, yet, but she will get the hang of it.

Here is another video of Emmy opening some of her presents.

Most people would call it quits after that, but the party kept rocking!  To end the night, we took Emmy to the Memphis Zoo for Zoo Boo!  It was the first weekend of the Zoo Boo, where they transform the zoo for Halloween.  Most of the animals were not out for exhibit, but they had games and candy stations to go trick or treating.  For Emmy's costume we just threw on a scarf and gave her a uni-brow to tranform her into Frida Kahlo.  People didn't seem to know who she was, except for every Hispanic woman we passed.  Without fail, they all made a comment about how cute little Frida was.

We also went on a spooky hayride, which was not that spooky.  There were just ghoulish decorations along the route, so no one was jumping out from hiding places, which usually is what is most scary to me.  Big Daddy and Gigi were there to protect us and as you can see, even when taking a picture Emmy was keeping a look out just to make sure there were no surprises.

Later in the night, Emmy rode the train with Grandma Paula around the little farm and petting zoo.  We saw some cows, horses, and sheep who hadn't gone to sleep, yet.

After the zoo, we went out for some Mexican food at our favorite place, El Mezcal!  Emmy thought it was time for bed, though, because she fell asleep and slept through all of dinner.  I guess she was so exhausted from all the partying!  Cory did a great job making Emmy's first birthday the best of her entire life.  

We feel so blessed to have Emmy in our family.  Happy Birthday Emmy Rae!!! You are smart, strong, curious, adventurous, happy, silly, chubby, and the cutest one year old in our life. We love you baby girl. 

Cory put together this montage of moments from the past year as a tribute to our first year with our Emmy Rae!

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