Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day

We celebrated our first Valentines Day as parents.  Emmy was in tow to our "romantic" valentines activities.

Somehow our stake conference was scheduled for Valentines weekend, so this made for an afternoon valentines lunch and an evening at the Saturday adult session.  Again, very romantic!

We went to one of our favorite restaurants, Bahama Breeze, for an afternoon Valentines Day lunch.  It is definitely a different experience having a baby hanging out with us.  We enjoyed ourselves and Emmy got the best seat in the house, and ate lunch with Dad.

Sean and I exchanged gifts in the afternoon as well.  After almost 3 years of marriage we have learned to just let each other know what we really want!  Sean had asked for cream cheese brownies, and I had my eyes on a big ol' box of chocolates!  We both thoroughly enjoyed our chocolate comas!

Later that evening we found ourselves at the Adult session of Stake Conference.  Again, Emmy joined us and was such a sweet little angel.  She fell right to sleep in Daddy's arms, I guess she found her valentine!

Our little valentine!  

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