Monday, September 15, 2014

36 Weeks

Cory is 36 weeks pregnant, and she is looking as smokin' as ever!  I mean, DANG!  This week was fun for us because some ladies at church threw a baby shower for Cory.  From everything I heard, it was a great time, and so thoughtful of the women who planned it all.  I love that part about the church.

Even more exciting was that we got to see our little baby girl again this week.  We went in for our 36 week ultrasound this morning, and it was fantastic.  We found out that she figured out what she is doing and finally got into the right position.  Her head is down on Cory's bladder and she is ready to rock and roll.  I always knew she had it in her.  We also found out she is a tiny little lady, at 5.5 pounds, and with her other measurements she is only in the 22nd percentile.  Cory is alright with that I think.  Here is a picture of baby girl's profile.

If you look closely you can see her blowing bubbles.  What a goof!

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