Sunday, December 29, 2013

I'll Be Home For Christmas

Merry Christmas!!!!  I hope everybody enjoyed the day, and that Santa showed up to your houses.  Cory and I just got back from my parent's house in Wyoming, where we spent the Christmas holiday.  It was a fun-filled four days with the family.  How is that for alliteration?  There were a lot of memories made, so let's get started with this post!  One of our first festive activities was decorating some giant gingerbread men.  Cory supervised as I concentrated on the icing.

Lacey and Rhiannon each made their own as well.  Rhiannon made sure to let us know numerous times that she was making a gingerbread girl, not a man.  Duly noted.

Not long after their creation, we consumed our men and girl.  It was actually more fun to make them than to eat them.  Successful first Christmas activity!!! 

On Monday we spent the morning at home, and my mom made my Grandma Wilma's tacos for dinner.  Cory even got in there and helped her out.  

After filling ourselves with tacos, we all headed to Cody to catch a movie.  We saw "Saving Mr. Banks" about Walt Disney and P.L. Travers, the author of Mary Poppins, and their relationship as the Disney movie Mary Poppins was created.  It was a good movie.  It wasn't quite as good as I thought it was going to be, especially with all the hype surrounding it, but I recommend it for people to go see.  Here we all are at Big Horn Cinemas.

The next day was Christmas Eve!  Chris, Lacey, and the kids were going to spend Christmas day with the Huhnkes, so we opened their presents a day early.  It was fun to see the kids opening up their presents.

Cory was looking very festive in her sweater.  

Before we actually got to present opening we played an intense round of Christmas charades.  Mom went all out in her Tiny Tim impression, and Dad was able to portray, "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!" in one smooth motion.  We have some legitimate acting talent in this family.

Ebin nailed the choir boy pose.  After opening presents, we headed to Wyoming's Rib & Chop House for some dinner.  Dad literally ate reindeer.  Poor Rudolph!

 We have been going to Rib & Chop on Christmas Eve for years now, and we have taken a picture on the street in front for just as long.  Here we are very full.  I was ready to just hit the hay for the night.  The sooner you go to sleep the sooner Santa comes, you know.

 We did not go to sleep, though.  How could we when we still had to perform our own version of the Nativity?  We haven't actually done this since I was a little kid, but its never too late to rekindle old traditions.  I was Joseph, and even though nobody actually had speaking parts, I felt like I made the role my own.  Cory was Mary, and a beautiful one at that.  Rhiannon was an angel/star of Bethlehem.  Lacey and Ebin were the wise men, and Chris was a shepherd, complete with miniature candy cane staff.  Also, my teddy bear from my childhood was the baby Jesus.

After the Nativity, the Huhnkes headed out, and Cory and I participated in that oldest of Christmas traditions: opening pajamas on Christmas Eve.

Santa came to our house!!!  Yes, even on my 25th Christmas, it is still fun and exciting to come out on Christmas morning.  Our new pajamas were warm, Piggy Pudding breakfast casserole was overflowing, and bed head was abundant as we gathered in the living room to open presents.

We had a great Christmas thanks to loving family members.  Here are a few pictures from the ensuing gift giving.

Growing up I hated getting clothes, now I don't mind it as much.

I also got some great books.  Here I am with Jeffrey R. Holland's book For Times of Trouble.  I can't wait to read what insights he has to share about the Psalms.

Cory got a nice purse, and she is looking good with it over her shoulder!

New ties!!!

I also gave Cory an initial necklace with the letter 'S' on it.  She said she wanted it, for the record.  I didn't spontaneously decide she needed to always be wearing my initial. 

Such a great Christmas, and it wasn't over yet!  We still had Christmas dinner, and under close supervision, I got my chef on!  Give me some oven mitts and I can do anything.

It was a very nice way to conclude our holiday trip.  Everything was delicious, and at my dad's request, Cory even made her Aunt Sue's green beans.  

It was a fantastic trip for Christmas.  There was entirely too much food, especially sweets, but we made a lot of great memories as a family, which is what it is all about.  Here are some videos from the trip.  Lacey insisted that we record Dad's reaction to his surprise gift from Mom.  So here he is on Christmas morning opening it up.

I got a new harmonica in my stocking, and a beginner's book so I can attempt to teach myself how to play it.  Here I am in a very amateur performance of Jingle Bells.  Enjoy!  Notice my mother's unconditional support at the end of my playing.

Merry Christmas, everybody!  We are looking forward to 2014!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Lights at Temple Square

After I took my last final exam of the semester, Cory and I headed to Salt Lake City for some food at Red Iguana, and to look at the lights at Temple Square.  It was pretty packed, but fun nonetheless.  It was also bitterly cold, but it didn't seem that bad when you have THIS HOT MAMA WITH YOU!!!

Look how cute she is.

Merry Christmas, everybody!  We jump on a plane for Wyoming in two days!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

MTC Update

So things have been busy at the MTC over the last little while.  I've taught three more districts of spectacular missionaries.  

L to R Back: Elder Swenson, Elder Adair, Bro. Farnsworth, Me, Elder Southwick, Elder Belliston
Front: Elder Bateman, Elder Ballard, Elder Black, Elder Oyler
L to R: Sister Lyman, Sister Jenkins, Sister Breen, Sister Sadler, Me, Elder Riddle, Elder Christensen, Elder White, Elder Painter
L to R: Elder Hamblin, Sister Ma'alona, Sister Tindall, Me, Sister Dalebout, Sister Davis, Elder Meyer, Bro. Farnsworth, Elder Schmitt (kneeling)

So in addition to teaching my districts, one of my close friends from when I lived in Lufkin, TX came into the MTC.  Elder Gabe Hendrickson is heading to Brazil, so I had to venture into Portuguese-land to find him.  It actually wasn't hard.  He is on the 5th floor of the building I teach in.  It was fun to see him.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Totally Yuletide

This is probably one of the funnier moments in Christmas movie history.  I laugh every time she says, "What? You hated it?"  Anyway, Christmas time is here, and with the semester winding down and finals fast approaching, taking some time to decorate the apartment was just what we needed.  It is one of the busiest times of year for Cory at work, too.  Even though we aren't spending Christmas day in the apartment, we still wanted to enjoy some Christmas spirit while at home this month.