Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Klyde Warren Park

Today we headed downtown to Klyde Warren Park.  We wanted to take Emmy to a splash pad and this park has a few of them.  It was a cool atmosphere with lots of food trucks and things to do in the park, but we were there for the water!

Emmy likes the pool, but it turns out she does not enjoy splash pads.  She acted like she was scared of the small streams, let alone the big columns that would shoot up.

She seemed much more comfortable in the ankle deep standing water.  

It was a fun day downtown.  Splash pad or not, it is always fun to see Emmy explore and discover new parts of her world.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Zoo Date With Kyle

One of the great things about living in Dallas is that we are much closer to some friends.  Brett and Kyle both were going through pilot training in Del Rio, and now Kyle is in Oklahoma City for a little while.  He was planning to come down for a trip to the Fort Worth Zoo, which I guess is one of the better ones in the country.  You know how I feel about zoos, so we met up with him in Fort Worth.

Emmy took to Kyle pretty quickly.  She played hard to get at first, but as soon as he bought her a Dippin' Dots, the ice cream of the future, she was pretty committed to the relationship.  She ate her banana split flavor, but also wanted to try his mint chocolate chip.

The zoo itself was pretty cool!  They seemed to have a lot of baby animals in the exhibits, which added a cool dynamic to the habitats.  In Memphis, while the zoo was amazing, I never felt like the animals that shared habitats were family.  My favorite, the gorillas, were awesome to watch.  The big male and a female were napping and holding hands.  I didn't get my camera out quick enough to capture it though.

They had a little baby running around, too.  It was climbing all over the male, and the big guy just playfully would try grabbing him.  It was cool to see their family dynamic and relationship.

Emmy liked the giraffes, and I liked that they actually had grass.  In Memphis, the giraffes were just on a big patch of dirt and concrete.

Cory always likes the elephants.  There was a baby elephant, too, but it was kind of hiding off in the distance and hard to see.

They had a white tiger, too.  I learned from the sign on the wall that white tigers are not a separate species.  It is just a recessive gene, so it is like a red-haired human.  All white tigers in captivity, though, are descended from a single progenitor.

There was a section called Australia's Great Barrier reef, and the first tank when we walked in had Marlin, Nemo, and Dory swimming around.  It was kind of funny.

I forget how big bald eagles are when I see them.  They could easily pick up a small child.

Emmy liked watching the penguins, too.  She obviously thought they had a very special bond.  The penguins never seemed to reciprocate her affection.

It was fun to spend the day with Kyle.  We went out for some Torchy's Tacos afterward, and then he headed off to Six Flags.  He came over to our place afterward to visit some more, and Emmy was excited to see him.  Hopefully we can see each other more often since we are closer now.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Pioneer Plaza

We are pretty much settled in.  The boxes have been unpacked.  It doesn't take very long when you have nothing to do all day.  Now that the apartment is put together, Cory turned her attention to what she does best, finding fun things for us to do as a family!  I got an email from her yesterday afternoon with a list of free things to do in Dallas.  She works fast.  Today we headed downtown to Pioneer Plaza, where there are 49 bronze longhorns and 3 cowboys on a cattle drive.  It was pretty cool.

The longhorns are over six feet tall, and the cowboys are even bigger, so it was fun walking through the herd.  I had Toby Keith's "Shoulda Been a Cowboy" running through my head most of the morning.  Emmy was fascinated by the whole spectacle.  She kept saying, "horsey!"  I love my cowgirls!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day Weekend 2016

Well, we have been in Dallas for all of one weekend!  It just so happens to be Father's Day weekend.  My mom and dad helped us move out here, so we get to spent the holiday with them, which means we spent both Mother's Day and Father's Day this year with them.  I don't know if that will ever happen again, so it was a treat.  Emmy surprised me with a special magnet message!

We spent most of the weekend unpacking, or exploring our new surroundings.  Gigi and Big Daddy bought Emmy a new movie that we watched together.  She never watches a full movie, so we sometimes watch in chunks over a few days.

While out exploring, we stumbled upon Carlo's Bake Shop!  It's the bakery from Cake Boss!  I guess they have a Dallas location now.  Buddy wasn't in, but it was cool to check out.  

Emmy was all smiles sitting in Bid Daddy's lap.

Emmy gave lots of hugs for Father's Day.  Big Daddy Mike is always willing to give Emmy whatever she wants, and Emmy knows it.  She frequently goes to him when she wants something Mommy and Daddy have denied her.

We also saw Grandpa Wayne a couple of days ago.  He and Uncle Logan drove up from Austin to help us unload the truck.  Emmy always thinks Grandpa is super funny, and starts trying to mimic his funny gestures.

I am so grateful for my little girl.  She not only brings a higher degree of joy and fulfillment in my life, but she also is the reason there is an extra day of the year to celebrate and honor me.  That really is a gift in and of itself!  I kid, but Father's Day has been a fun holiday the past two years with Emmy Rae in my life.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Big D, Here We Come!

Goodbye, Memphis!  

Cory, Emmy, and I packed up all our possessions and left a city that has carved a special place out in our hearts.  We moved to Memphis two years ago knowing basically nothing about it.  We knew it would probably be a temporary place for us, and didn't expect to grow so attached.  We are really going to miss it.  Emmy was born there, and we made so many friendships and so many memories.  My parents came down to help us with the move.  This was how I felt leaving Tennessee.  A double chin was another thing I acquired in Memphis.  All the soul food took its toll.

What was super nice about this move was we left Memphis in the morning, and were already to our destination in Dallas that afternoon.  I drove the moving truck, and my parents each drove one of our cars, while Cory made sure Emmy survived the car ride.  We got everything unloaded and are starting to get everything in its place.

Hello, Dallas!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

FedEx St. Jude Classic

Our time is winding down in Memphis.  We leave next week!  One of the last big things left on the calendar besides packing everything up is the FedEx St. Jude Classic.  The FESJC is a PGA golf tournament hosted here in Memphis.  I signed up months ago to be a volunteer and was asked to join the Island Club Committee.  Basically, I worked a hospitality venue on the 11th hole island green holding up a sign for people to be quiet while the golfers were putting.  It was awesome.  I got into the tournament for free the whole week.  I got a ton of free gear.  I got to basically stand and watch golf all day, and I saw some big names.  This was my view all week.

You see that man in the green shirt?  That's Phil Mickelson.  Before my shift one day I watched him tee off on the first hole, and he walked by probably about 5 feet away from me.  I will probably be really good at golf now.  I also saw other players like Ernie Els, Steve Stricker, Dustin Johnson, etc.

I loved it.  I loved the atmosphere and being a part of the tournament.  Holding my "Hush Y'all" sign was an easy task in exchange for a couple days of spectating.  I'm a little sad I won't be able to do it next year.

Monday, June 6, 2016

It's A Boy!!!

There is no question that the second best part of a pregnancy, after when the child is actually born of course, is finding out the gender.  It makes it seem more real that we are having a baby.  

The second time around is definitely different.  I don't think about the pregnancy as much.  I am much less worried and don't hardly have any questions.  Things have been smooth sailing and we are flying through this pregnancy!

We just found out last week that we are having a boy and Sean and I are thrilled.  I know Sean is so excited to have a little man in the family that can be his little sidekick.  It will be so fun to see them together.  Having a baby your same gender is such a special experience.  Emmy is my little lady and it's about time Sean had his little man around the house.  We decided to go shopping and pick something out for our little guy.  Sean picked out a cute sleeper with rockets.

We didn't think we were going to find out the gender today, but at my appointment my doctor said that she couldn't quite get a good reading on the heart beat, so she sent us over to the ultrasound tech.  The heartbeat turned out to be completely strong and normal, and we got to see our baby boy!  Sean cannot stop talking about how he no longer feels the burden of continuing the Gilmore name.  Emmy cannot stop smiling now that she is going to have a baby brother!

Friday, June 3, 2016

National Donut Day

Each year of our marriage there comes a special day that Cory eagerly anticipates, remembers, and plans for, while I, without fail, forget.  Don't get me wrong, the day is important to me, too, but it just sneaks up on me.  It is not on my radar at all until Cory inevitably says, "Do you know what tomorrow is?"  I scramble for the answer, going through every major date in our family and relationship timeline.  A twinge of guilt stabs my heart.  "No, I'm sorry."  Cory's smile fades just a little, the disappointment barely detectable.  I have let her down once again. 

"It's National Donut Day.  Free donuts at Krispy Kreme tomorrow."


Every year Cory somehow has June 3rd programmed in her internal clock and remembers the somehow-not-fake holiday.  And every year we go and get free donuts at Krispy Kreme.  This year was no different.  Emmy is proud to be an American, where we have a day dedicated to donuts!