Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Emmy In A Swing

Since Emmy is still a baby and can't crawl or walk yet, it is hard to get out of the house and keep her entertained.  She mostly just sits in the stroller.  I have found though, that she enjoys watching little kids.  Anytime there are kids around playing, laughing, running and screaming she gets all smiley and giggley.

I took her to the park to see if she would enjoy the fresh air and people watching.  She was all smiles and very curious.  I saw a few little kids playing on the swings, and was hesitant at first, wondering how Emmy would handle it.  We walked over and I plopped her down in one of the baby swings.

After a few gentle pushes she lit up!  I think we found her new favorite thing!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Grandpa Mike Comes to Town

The visits just keep on coming and this time it was Grandpa Mike!!!  We spent a great few days with Grandpa here in Memphis.  Emmy hadn't seen him in a few months and was excited to show Grandpa how good she had gotten at smiling.

Grandpa took us all to the Rendezvous, a famous BBQ place in downtown Memphis.  It was fun to try a new place, but I still think Central BBQ is king in Memphis.

Most of the trip was spent relaxing at home, but my dad and I did get out to see a Memphis Grizzlies game at FedEx Forum.  It was an added bonus that they played the Lakers, our favorite team.


After taking Dad to the team store for a Grizzlies hat, we headed to our seats, which were pretty great!  We were heading up the escalator to the upper deck when we saw a nice door with velvet ropes blocking it called the Tennessee First Club.  It looked very V.I.P. and exclusive.  We joked about how we wished we could go in.  Well, once we got to the top we couldn't find our section and an usher pointed us back down the escalator because our seats...WERE IN THE TENNESSEE FIRST CLUB!  We were such high rollers.

We actually are huge Lakers fans, and there were a lot of people wearing Lakers gear around us, but we wore the Grizzlies gear for one specific reason:  THE LAKERS NEED TO TANK THIS SEASON TO KEEP THEIR UNPROTECTED DRAFT PICK!  The more they lose, the better for the franchise at this point.  We caught ourselves a few times cheering for the Purple & Gold and had to hurriedly hush ourselves before we blew our cover.  The Grizzlies ended up winning, and we had a great time.

We also went with Grandpa to the National Civil Rights museum at the Lorraine Motel.  The wreath on the balcony behind us is the spot where Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated.  To be honest, I was not expected the museum to be so well done.  It was a really great experience.  Thanks Grandpa Mike for the fun trip!  Come back soon!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What Would Emmy Do?

Sean has been running for president of his MHA Student Association.  
He came up with a couple of silly little campaign slogans, and the class favorite was "What would Emmy do?"  I guess you could say Emmy is his campaign mascot.  I feel sorry for those he is running against, because Emmy is everyone's favorite.

This is his last few days of classes before the election date, and it is time to really lay on the campaigning!  Before he left for class this morning I suggested that I make him a campaign button with his favorite slogan.  He obliged, and while he got ready for school I made it for him.

He wore it to work and class today and said it was a huge hit!  I really feel sorry for his running mates, and Emmy and I think he is a shoe-in to win!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Emmy Rolls Over

Cory and I regularly read websites that detail the stages of development for children.  Recently we have noticed that most sites talk about the possibility of babies who are Emmy's age rolling over.  Emmy, up until about two weeks ago, HATED tummy time.  She wouldn't last more than 10 seconds on her belly before she was having a meltdown.  In short, we didn't think she was going to roll over any time soon.  We were wrong.  

She ended up surprising us one day and started to lift herself up while on her tummy.  I hurriedly got my phone out to film her and we were lucky enough to catch on video her rolling over for the first time,