Sunday, August 31, 2014

34 Weeks

The time is starting to fly by!  It's hard to believe we are so far along.  I remember when we were only 6 weeks along and it seemed as though time was crawling.  No one knew we were pregnant and we didn't even know yet that we would be welcoming a precious little lady into our family.
Now we are just 6 weeks til the end of this whole thing. 

Pretty much I feel pretty huge and am disgusted by pictures taken of me.  Is that bad to say?  Most the time I just feel like I look large.  For whatever reason this picture Sean took of me is pretty much the best and I don't look huge and chubby.  I think it's because I actually did my hair and make up and have a more fitted shirt on, which tends to help with feeling large.

Sleeping is really hit and miss for me.  I have some nights where I toss and turn all night and others I sleep perfectly.  I do wake up every morning and need to pee and then I am super hungry and need breakfast immediately.  Naps in the afternoon are awesome, but I do feel like I don't get as good of sleep at night if I nap.

By the end of the day I am pretty tired, achy and cranky.  My back usually hurts and it's hard work getting all the way upstairs.  But, Sean always helps me by lifting my legs as I step up.

Baby girl is still turned transverse.  But we think her head is now on my left side and her feet and bum are over on my right.  She is pretty much perpendicular to me which makes for kicking in my ribs and hip joint on the right side.  If there is one thing that hurts it's when she kicks my hip joint.  It's like a little shock every time.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Team Trek

I officially have started my MHA program at the University of Memphis!  This past weekend I headed to rural Arkansas with a group of strangers and to my surprise we came back a pretty close-knit team.  I am usually skeptical of "team-building" activities, but Team Trek was actually really effective.  I am really excited to start the program and am glad I am with a good group of people for the next two years.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Dog Days of Summer

August has been a great time for Cory and I to explore Memphis and enjoy some lazy days of summer.  We have been hitting up the pool in our complex on a regular basis, which has been nice.

On Tuesdays here in Memphis you can also get into the zoo for free with a Tennessee ID.  We headed over one afternoon and had a fun time seeing the animals.  It was actually a very impressive zoo.

We also headed downtown one night to check out the sunset.  We read online that there are a couple of good spots on the water to watch the sun go down.

I love spending so much time with my girls!

Saturday, August 9, 2014


As promised, here are some of our adventures at Graceland.  We woke up on Saturday morning and headed to the Blue Plate Cafe for some breakfast.  I got the biscuits and gravy.  Biscuit grade: A+  Gravy grade: F

After breakfast we headed to the home of the King!

So after we walked past the Graceland sign, we entered the visitor's center where you can buy tickets.  It was then that we realized that we happened to be there on the first day of Elvis Week.  I guess the anniversary of his death was that week.  Translation:  Swarms of loyal Elvis fans come to pay tribute.  The place was packed with tourists and impersonators.  Sideburns, Sideburns, Sideburns.  We actually had to wait an hour and a half just to get on the shuttle over to the house.  We almost gave up, but like the true Elvis fans we are, we stuck it out.

Once the tour actually started, it was pretty interesting.  I can definitely see how in the 60s and 70s it would be considered a lavish mansion, but by today's standards, it isn't that big.  I am not sure the King would be on MTV Cribs were he still alive.

The whole tour was an audio tour, which I loved because I hate trying to keep up with tour guides, or not being able to hear a tour guide.  The headphones let us walk through the house at our own pace.  Here I am in the Jungle Room.

Once you leave the house, you go through some other buildings that show more memorabilia.  I started to realize that I know almost nothing about Elvis Presley.  I know a few songs...and that is pretty much it.  I didn't even know that he did movies, or that he was such a freakishly popular icon.  He was a mega-star.  His raquet-ball court has been turned into a shrine, but there isn't enough room in there so they have more stuff in another building.

We even saw some celebrities while we were there.  John Krasinski and Anna Kendrick were on our shuttle back to the visitor's center.  They asked for a picture with me, but I respectfully declined.  

We all got the full Graceland experience, though, when at the end of the tour they take you to the grave-site.  On the audio tour a gospel choir begins to sing and you can slowly pass by the graves of Elvis and other Presley family members.  I had no problem walking by.  We were very respectful and waited for people who were taking some time.  I have to say though, it was surprising to see a few parties ahead of us, two women sobbing at the grave.  Just crying their eyes out and holding each other.  Maybe I am being a little too cold here, but I don't even do that at family graves.  First of all, one of the ladies looked like she probably was born after he died, so how could she feel so emotionally attached?  Anyway, it was another testament to the mega-stardom of the King.  I really enjoyed my time at Graceland, but probably will never go back.  To me, it is a see it once and you've seen it all kind of place.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Mama and Papa Visit Memphis

Mom and Dad made their first trip to Memphis!  It was fun to have them come out and see where we have set up our new home.  They were nervous about the heat, but as they were getting off the plane, a huge rainstorm hit and the temperature dropped about 20 degrees.  Lucky them!  

Right from the airport we headed over the Uncle Lou's for some fried chicken.  My dad is somewhat fanatical when it comes to the Food Channel and Guy Fieri.  Well, Uncle Lou's lived up to the hype and we chowed down on some Sweet and Spicy Love tenders.  

During the weekend, we also took my parents to campus to show them where I would be going to school.

The Hawaiian Tiki tiger is one of my favorites on campus.

One of my new favorite places to eat in Memphis now is Central BBQ.  We heard from a few people that it might be the best in town.  I don't know if it is the best, but it was the best I have had.  It was delicious.  

After filling up at Central, we noticed that there was a tiger statue out front.  You know we can't pass up a tiger statue photo opportunity.

Of course one of the main reasons my parents wanted to come out was to see where their new granddaughter would be coming into the world.  They were also gracious enough to bring the teddy bear from my childhood years.  He is awesome, and I think our baby girl will also think he is awesome.

During the weekend we also headed to Graceland, which I will dedicate a separated post to, and did a whole lot of visiting at home.  Here is some proof that my parents actually came.  I just realized they aren't in any of the pictures above.  Here is Mama.

Before we took them to the airport, we ate lunch down on Beale Street.  It was fun to be down there around lunch time when it isn't so crowded with people.  We had one last meal at B.B. King's and then headed to Memphis International.

I am glad they were able to come out.  Next time they see me I will be a daddy!